

Friday I'm in Love: Post Positive Day

Today is Post Positive Day.

Which should explain why I've been so negative all week - I was clearing everything out so that I could be positive today. Okay, I'm exaggerating. It's really just that I vent a lot on social media.  In real life, I am much more positive than I am on social media. I promise.

Anyway, here are some things that made me happy this week:

  • The Cybex Arc Trainer: My gym just got these. They are like elliptical trainers, but harder. Much harder. My calves - the one part of my body that I've always thought were in shape - were on fire after day 2. We won't talk about my thighs and arms. 

  • Travis Erwin, author: A million years ago, when the internet was new and shiny and pretty, I "met" Travis in a blogging community. Now he is the author of real, published books. I promise that his first, The Feedstore Chronicles, is hysterical. I'm about to start his second book,
    Twisted Roads, which looks like it will be really interesting. 

  • Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs: If you like Cakewrecks, you will like this. Though the site isn't exactly positive, it makes me feel positive, so that's something, right? I can't help that I'm a huge fan of snark. 

  • A great reminder to be awesome at the awesome From Tracie

  • I'm still not yelling. Though I may have banged my head against a wall once or twice and maybe kind of raised my voice a few times, it's still a huge improvement. 

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