

Wandering Wednesday: The Soccer Field

Yeah, I don't know how much more wandering there's going to be for the foreseeable future - it's soccer season. Frankly, I was surprised when Ironflower and Lovebug wanted to play soccer again - their play was rather lackluster last year. And while, occasionally, they will play a soccer-like game in the front yard, they've never been especially enthusiastic. Or talented. Or unafraid of the ball. Frankly, I figured we'd just be going to Hugmonkey's games this year, since he's been dying to play ever since he started getting dragged to games as a toddler. 

But no. I have three kids playing soccer this fall. 

As you can see by my trunk. It sort of looks like we're going on a road trip, doesn't it? 

A road trip to soccer-parent land. 

Now that Ironflower is in third grade, even the rec team is more serious. We play teams from other towns and have separate practices and full uniforms. 

I don't know whether it was the uniform or what, but suddenly Ironflower was motivated and focused and totally into it. She started in goal and made 3 saves in her first game. 

The second game did not go as well, but it was our first "away" game - all the way in the next town. And those girls from the other town were really, really good. The next day at Hugmonkey's game a mom told me about her older son's tournament that day - three hours away in New York State. If any of our kids get that into soccer, I'll be very glad to have my Kia to haul us and our gear to hither and yon. 

I totally failed at taking pictures of Lovebug's first practice of the year, mostly because it was early in the morning and I was chitchatting to stay awake. So I made up for it at the game this weekend.

Lovebug is in gray. Somewhere. 

Have I mentioned lately that I'm not a sports photographer? 

An actual shot! He had just thrown the ball in. He was much more focused and willing to go after the ball this year, but he was still more comfortable playing defense. 

During a break. 

This is what Hugmonkey did during his brother's game. He was exhausted after his own. Ironflower met up with some slightly older girls and explored the woods with them. We didn't really see her during Lovebug's game this week. Thank goodness it's not too hard to vacuum the Kia out. 

After waiting years to play soccer, Hugmonkey burst into tears when it was time for him to go to his initial game. He cried all the way onto the field and probably would have not participated if one of his classmates wasn't on the other team. Between his buddy and his buddy's nice dad, he managed to get over the tears and remember that he wanted to play. 

Both the boys also volunteered to play goalie in both of their games (I can't decide if my kids love to play goalie because they hate chasing after the ball or because they like breaking the soccer rules and touching the balls with their hands. They are so my kids.) as well. 

This week Hugmonkey was much more enthusiastic. 

He reported all the action during every water break. We didn't even need to watch to know what was going on. 

Hot Guy and Ironflower chilling out during Hugmonkey's game. 

This is how we're going to spend every weekend until the middle of November. Thank goodness the Kia is big enough for me to leave the chairs, balls, water, blanket and snacks in there; I'd be freaking out every weekend from now until November if I had to remember all that stuff for each game. 

This post is sponsored by Kia.

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