

Pop Culture Thursday: Looming Ahead

Which one of you bitches* invented the rainbow loom?

Because I hate you, unless you'd like to give me some money from what I'm sure is your now-vast fortune.

I bought our loom on a whim this summer, after another mom had mentioned it to me and I was buying a birthday party gift at store where they were stacked up by the register. Ironflower took to it immediately, but the boys - while happy to wear the bracelets - have yet to try to make any. At first, I didn't mind the loom - how could you mind something that was quiet and helped fine motor skills?

But then, then the little rubber bands spilled.

Have you ever tried to pick up (approximately) 1000 rubber bands?

And those little fuckers are slippery - leave one out and you'll wind up sliding across your kitchen floor one morning. So of course, we bought a rubber band holder at Five Below. And then we needed more rubber bands, because the glittery tie dye ones were just soooooo cute!

They are cute. Also, just as slippery.

The finished bracelets aren't slippery, I'll give them that. But when they invariably wind up on the floor (everything in my house eventually winds up on the floor), stepping on one feels. . .well, the way it squished under my flip flop I was sure that we'd suddenly had a roach infestation and I had just stepped on one. I may have screamed. (In my defense, in college our apartment really did go through several roach infestations - because of the people who shared our wall, I swear - and I may have a little roach-related PTSD).

Has the Rainbow Loom hit your neighborhood yet? I never thought I'd long for those Tamagotchis
that were the rage when I first started teaching, but at least they didn't leave little pieces that you could step on. Of course, random beeping can get annoying as well.

*I am mangling a quote from the ultimate trashy novel of my youth, Lace. In it, one character asks, "Which one of you bitches is my mother?" That line has been stuck in my head for over 25 years. I try to use a variation of it whenever possible. I don't know why people think I'm so hostile.

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