

Friday I'm in Love: My Husband

I'm not saying that my marriage is perfect. I'm not saying that there haven't been moments where I've wanted to throw shoes at his head. I'm not saying that he never complains about some of my quirks.

Pretty sure he was complaining about my taking so many pictures when I took this one. 

But you know what?

At least I didn't have to make Hot Guy 300 damn sandwiches to get a ring.

Not that I was all about getting a ring. I actually couldn't have cared less about a ring. I was perfectly happy with my single status. Maybe it was a consequence of getting an ill-fated ring very young (and almost getting an even more ill-fated one even younger), but I'd already learned that getting the ring doesn't make you live happily ever after. In fact, some guys turn into real douchebags once they put that ring on your finger.

Which is another reason I love my husband. Not only did he propose without me having to prove my worth in sandwiches, he did not immediately give me instructions on how to behave to make him happy. Unlike, say, Joe Gorga of Real Housewives fame, whose wife Melissa has written a book about how to have a hot emotionally and physically abusive marriage*. No, seriously.

I didn't mind her whole bit that men are usually more chill if they're getting laid regularly, or even that sometimes you should have sex even when you're tired or whatever. But her suggestion that, when a wife says no,  a husband should turn her over, rip her clothes off and have sex with her anyway? That's called rape.

Then there's the part where she talks about how she's secure enough to handle her husband's brutal honesty, but how if she gives him any flack, he loses it. That's called emotional abuse.

Oh, and how about the fact that she never poops when he's home? It's like she's aspiring to be Barbie.

And if all that wasn't horrifying enough, he has never fed his kids or changed their diapers. Ever.

Just typing that made me tear up with love for Hot Guy, who understands that respect goes both ways and that parenting is a partnership.

And people wonder why we still need feminism.

*I really, really want to understand how this book got published. I would like to slap the face of the person who okayed it.

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