
Friday I'm in Love: On the Interwebs

Stuff I love on the internet:

I always thought Donors Choose was a great idea, and now a friend of mine is participating! I've known her since she was a student teacher - and I swear she's still got the same level of enthusiasm and devotion to her students. Can you help her out?

I don't like to (or have) a lot of money to spend on clothes and whatnot. But I've also discovered the perils of being too cheap when it comes to buying clothes and shoes (hello, Wal-Mart bra that actually fell apart while I was driving the kids to school. Like the strap broke off completely and stopped supporting the girls altogether. I had to hobble into the building to avoid bouncing.). Enter Zulily, where you can buy quality clothes, shoes and housewares for far less than retail. Some of the stuff is even so fancy and designery that I can't buy it even with the discount, but I've still found a ton of stuff on there. Like possibly too much.  (Full disclosure: If you join and order something, I will get credit on Zulily. Darling readers, I really need credit on Zulily.)

One of the funniest blog posts I have read in weeks.

Best parenting advice I have read in months.

This is what a feminist looks like.

Funny, funny, funny - especially if you like The Real Housewives. Or Shakespeare.

Or maybe you're more of a Jane Austen fan?


AiringMyLaundry said...

Oo I'll have to check out both videos, thank you!

triplezmom said...

They literally (in the original sense of the word) made me laugh out loud. And possibly snort.