
Friday I'm in Love: App-Tastic

Please have low expectations for this post; I'm pretty sure this cold I seem to have is actually the beginnings of the zombie virus that will kill me. Also, I'm not a tech blogger.

People keep posting on my timelines about what apps to get for their new smart phones and Kindles and what have yous. I never know the answer to these questions off the top of my head because while I'm addicted to the internet I'm not a connoisseur. So while I have apps I like, I don't have them memorized. This post was written with all the devices propped around me.

Also, there are no links here. But I've used the real name, so you can just search in your device's app store.

For the iPhone:

MyFitnessPal: Keeps track of food and exercise and you don't have to hook it up to your Facebook or whatever. Because that would just be wrong.

Picasa Web Albums: Anything to help me keep photos organized is good.

Camera Genius: More options than the regular iPhone camera.

Fast Camera: If you want to take action shots with your phone, this is the app for you.

Don't Let the Pigeon Run This App: If your kid likes Mo Willems books, this app will provide hours of entertainment, with considerably less guilt than Angry Birds.

For kids, I also like Angry Birds Star Wars, Glow Draw, Lego Duplo Jams, Wipeout and Dolphin Play for entertainment purposes. For learning, I like Meteor Math.

On the Kindle Fire:

Okay, my favorite thing about the Kindle Fire (and the Kindle app and my Kindle Paperwhite) is the whole getting books immediately into my hot little hands aspect. Though being able to download movies and shows for each kid on our road trip was also quite awesome.

But as for apps, I like:

Picasso: Drawing and painting without the mess.

Little Piano: Probably be more useful after they take some piano lessons.

50 States: Geography. Duh.

Minecraft: They say it teaches programming skills. I just like that they're building instead of shooting.

CardDroid Math: Flashcards are more fun when they're on a screen.