
Friday I'm in Love: Postalicious

I swear the idea for this post did not come up just because I wanted to spend an afternoon reading the internet.

Though it was a contributing factor.

I decided I wanted to read some blogs. And I discovered that a lot of my favorite bloggers had stopped blogging. My first instinct was just to delete a bunch of people from my "Blogs I Love" page, but that seemed really negative. Plus, that wouldn't give me an excuse to spend hours reading blogs.

I decided to try something completely different, too. When I've discovered new bloggers before, it was generally because they were somehow affiliated with other bloggers I read. Either they guest posted, or they were on a blogging friend's blogroll, or they wrote on a group blog that I either contributed to or knew someone who did.

This time, I used the power of Google to discover completely new blogs. Well, new to me, anyhow. Apparently a lot of these people were popular already. It was harder than I'd thought, to find blog posts I loved this way. But I found a few:

But then there are my precious favorite bloggers, some of whom I've been reading since I discovered this whole blogging thing back in the aughts. 

  • I don't know how Tracie says so much in just a few words, but she totally does. 
  • Reading just about anything at My Mommy's Place makes me happy, but I loved this post about geocaching especially. 
  • My favorite thing on Dawn's blog is all the cool posts about music. They help me pretend I am hip. 

What posts did you love this week? Link to them in the comments - and yes, it's totally cool if you link to one of your own posts. I'm serious about this blogroll overhaul thing.

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