
Throwback Thursday: I Don't Miss Diapers

I am shamelessly stealing this idea from someone I've been reading forever. Probably Aunt Becky. Or possibly Leslie. Karly? I don't know. If it was you, please tell me so I can thank you properly.

Anyway, not that many people read my blog now, it's true. But compared to when I started? I have legions of fans. So I'm sharing stuff I wrote back then when I think the only people who read my blog were my parents, Hot Guy, the bloggers listed above and a few other kind people.

From the archives: May, 2007

The Joys of Motherhood

So we went for a walk this evening. Then Hot Guy and the rugrats sat down at the table for pudding. About ten minutes after the walk, I walked into the kitchen and noticed brown goo under Lovebug's highchair. I was momentarily confused since he was eating vanilla pudding. He was grinning, spooning the vanilla pudding onto his bib and into his ear. I wondered where the brown goo came from. I asked Hot Guy.

"What brown goo? Oh. . .SHIT!" he exclaimed just as I glanced at my baby's back. Which was also covered in brown goo (aka shit!).

I've seen some explosive poops before but nothing prepared me for this. The poop went not only up his back and all over his shorts, it had piled behind him on the seat and in a somewhat larger pile on the floor. And there sat boy wonder himself, cheerfully eating his pudding and completely oblivious to the filth around him. Attempts to clean resulted in loud, piercing wails until we finally let him out of the bathtub. Goddess bless Clorox Wipes and Mr.Bubble.

Also this evening: The beautiful Ironflower announced that her name is Diego, that she IS a boy and will be growing a penis at a later date.


Cindy Lou Who said...

this is why i am not a parent. You are a far braver woman than I.

Tracie Nall said...

Oh yes. I do not miss diapers AT ALL.

Love this idea to go back in time and reuse old posts. Brilliant.

Triplezmom said...

Cindy - I don't think it's bravery. I think I just didn't have to option of moving without cleaning it up.

Tracie - Thanks! I know I got the idea from someone else, but I really can't remember who.