
Friday I'm in Love: Tech Edition

I never consider myself a tech type person, until I'm chatting with someone and they ask me what Twitter is. Then I feel all kinds of computer nerdish. Of course, then I try to make over my blog and and it takes me forever to tweak just a few things and I still can't make the damn page tabs center.

Nothing like failing at stuff programmers could do in a coma to make you realize that you will never, ever be a computer nerd.

But I do know what Twitter is and I am definitely addicted to my iPhone. I guess you could say I'm tech literate. Which explains why I'm fully qualified to discuss tech/social media/computer stuff I loved this week:

Flipboard: It's an app that turns all the sites you like into a flip-able magazine. Okay, maybe not ALL, the sites, I know how many of you like cat videos, but most of the sites.

Otterbox: I know their cases are expensive, but oh my gosh, are they worth it. My kids have dropped their Kindles and my iPhone countless times and you'd never know it.

Best response to the Wall Street Journal's article that dismissed blogging conferences and the like as "girls' trips": This one by Elisa Camohort Page.

Ribbet: As we've discussed, I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to html and web design and such. But I used Ribbet to make my photo header and it was super easy.

Feedly: You know how Google Reader will be no more as of July 1st? And you're wondering how you will possibly know how many blog posts you've missed without Google Reader to remind you? Well, just sign up with Feedly. It imports everything for you and it's stupid easy to use.

(This post is not sponsored. I have not gotten anything for sharing these, I promise. I just wanted to try a theme.  That is my Amazon Associates link to the Otterbox Kindle case, so if you'd like me to be compensated for this post, you're going to have to click the link and buy a case.)

This has nothing to do with computer literacy really, but I can't write a "Friday I'm in love" post without mentioning my favorite blog post of the week:

This one will make you tear up. In a good way.

1 comment:

Tracie Nall said...

Ribbet looks like a lot of fun. I have been using PicMonkey, but I'm always looking for something new and exciting.

I'm still in denial about Google Reader. :(