
Cats in the Bathroom

Yesterday, and tomorrow, my parents' cats will be spending the day in the kids' bathroom. Or possibly in Ironflower's bedroom. Maybe both for excitement. The cats are high strung and there is fear that they would disappear or completely freak out if left to roam around our house.

Or they might escape, which is why they are here in the first place. It's too much to ask that the countless people traipsing through an open house be on the look out for your cats, I guess. After 39 years, my parents are putting their house on the market. I believe they are the last of my high school friends' parents to move out of our highly taxed home town, but I haven't exactly taken a poll.

I am not sure how I feel about this. One the one hand,  that's my childhood home. It was a lovely and magical place to grow up. It was nice that my kids got to play in the same yard and whatnot. Plus, my mom really doesn't want to move. On the other hand, my parents really don't need that much of a house, yard or tax bill anymore. It's time.

I guess we're all ambivalent. Except the cats. They are PISSED.


Caitlin MidAtlantic said...

My parents just sold the home I lived in from age 10, after 20 years there. It was cRaZy seeing it all boxed up and empty and moved... Good luck with your parents move - and the cats!

Unknown said...

So many wonderful - magical, as you say - memories of their home.... I hope whoever comes along loves it as much as this family has!