
An Open Letter to the Ice Cream Man

Dear Mr. Ice Cream Man,

I saw you watching us today. I saw you put your salad down in anticipation of a sale as my son and I came walking out of the park. And I saw your jaw drop as we walked on by. I bet you assumed I was one of those crazy parents who want to ban ice cream trucks. Or that my kid was going to start freaking out at any second.

Yet, my kid never freaked out. When I told my Hugmonkey that it wouldn't be fair for us to get ice cream without his siblings there, he agreed. Plus, your music really gets on his nerves. He was just ready to get in the car and leave the park.

You don't need to stare at my family if we're not that interested in your crap. Here's the thing: I can buy all of your products at the supermarket. For a lot less money. My older kids understand that when we save money on groceries, it means more money to do fun things. So they're cool with waiting until they get home.

Personally, if I want ice cream, I'd rather go to a place that serves well-made ice cream than overpay for processed stuff. Have you ever been to Van Dyke's? THAT'S ice cream, dude. That's the other thing I want my kids to understand. Indulging sometimes is fun. . .but make sure it's worth it. Some of that crap you sell has a week's worth of sugar and it STILL doesn't taste that good.

I'm not out to ban you, though. I swear. Even when you showed up the other day after Lovebug's baseball game, when all of the kids were overdue for lunch and completely starving, I just rolled my eyes and shook my head at my kids. I was comforted by the fact that most of the other parents ignored you as well as they explained to the their kids that they needed to eat lunch first.

Dude, have you thought of modifying your business plan? Like maybe selling good ice-cream? Honestly, if you'd had some Van Dyke's vanilla fudge on you, I might have "forgotten" that we hadn't eaten lunch yet.

Or. . .call me crazy. . .what about selling something parents would want to give their kids? Organic fruit? Water? Pretzels? Trust me, it's not that kids are that into your products. It's the novelty of buying something from a truck.

Oh my god, I'm totally turning my minivan into an organic veggie snack truck. Thanks for the idea!


It makes me sad that you're so shocked by a well-behaved child.

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