
Farewell, Stroller

We donated our last stroller, two tricycles and Ironflower's pink princess bike yesterday. For the first time in almost 9 years, I don't own a stroller.

This does not bring me the same joy as not having to buy diapers anymore did.

It's not even as much of a relief as donating the baby gate was.

But my youngest, not only is he fully capable of walking everywhere, he gets upset if someone doesn't hold his hand in a parking lot or crossing the street. I don't even need a stroller to keep him contained anymore.

This was his response when I complained that he hadn't 
stayed still long enough for a picture with his siblings. 

I had a triple stroller at one point, you know. We only used it for about a year, probably not more than a couple dozen times (but since we bought it off of Craiglist and sold it for the same amount to another family having 3 kids in 4 years, I feel it was a total win). 

And now I realize that I have no pictures of the triple stroller. 

In fact, I have few pictures of the older two in their double stroller, even. And none online. 

The only stroller that I can find pictures of is the one we donated yesterday.

That would be Ironflower in front of the fountain at Lincoln Center.

Hugmonkey, not thrilled with the 4th of July Parade.

I realize that this is not a stroller. But I can't find ANY pictures of Lovebug in a stroller. 

I've been living stroller-free for a while now, actually. I think the last time we brought the stroller anywhere was Boo at the Bronx Zoo last October. And that was more because we were going to be there during Hugmonkey's nap time.  But now that Hugmonkey refuses to nap unless he's in the car, we really don't need one anymore. 
Han Solo. 

Farewell, stroller. 

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