
Wordless Wednesday: Birthday Trip

We took Lovebug to the city yesterday for his birthday trip. Ever since we took Ironflower to the American Girl store for her birthday, Lovebug has been wanting something similar. So yesterday we went to the big Lego store in Rockefeller Center and out to lunch in the city. 

Hot Guy had a meeting in Chelsea in the late afternoon, so Lovebug and I went to Books of Wonder. I think we could have spent another hour there - and we definitely could have spent more money. 


Soapbox Girl said...

Now that there is a fabulous birthday gift. :)

silken said...

what excellent birthdays!! very cool!

AlexisAR said...

My brother and I usually just had lame themed twin parties that my mom and her best friend devised after they drank a couple of bottles of wine between the two of them. (Once we had what were supposed to be Chinese acrobats, but they ween't really acrobats. they were tipsy if not legally drunk Asian students [few if any were probably even Chinese] falling all over each other trying to do a pyramid. Thank goodness it was like our eighth birthday, so all the other parents didn't stay to witness the fiasco. If I saw it now, I'd think it was hilarious, but at the age of eight I was mortified.) Your child's birthday sounds like the stuff of which dreams are made.