
Ticked Off Tuesday: Stomach Virus, The Sequel

Approximately a month ago, we got a stomach virus. Everyone had it, everyone felt like shit (heh) for like two days. I thought I would never stop doing the laundry. Or taking out garbage bags of ick. But I remember (naively) thinking, "Well, at least that's over for this year." I mean, our living room - despite my mad cleaning - smelled like vomit for like a week.

Was that too much information?

Who wants to come over?

Anyway, guess what happened on Saturday? Ironflower got a stomach virus. Poor kid threw up in the car because Hot Guy and I are terrible parents and didn't take her seriously. Also, we wanted to bring her to Super Science Saturday, which was held at my old high school.

That was weird.

What happened instead was that we took her to my parents' house, cleaned out the car and then just took the boys to the science thing. I highly recommend Super Science Saturday, but not as much if you are an RHS alum. Because it's weird. They changed things. And yet you'll still know your way around. And there might be kids doing lights and whatnot in the theater and you'll wander in and want to spend time in there instead of the science thing but you won't because you're an adult now, dammit.

Lego motor thingies. Junior robotics? 

Lovebug got to set off one of the rockets. He really wanted his sister to see it. 

What was I talking about?

Oh yeah, the fucking stomach virus picking on my little girl. She's not throwing up anymore, but she's still not herself. She couldn't even sit up for her brother's birthday dinner Sunday! I mean, she refused cake. This sucks.

She just went through this a month ago, poor baby.

And usually when she gets sick, she bounces back the quickest. So if we do all get this? The rest of us will probably feel horrible for like a week at a time.

Die, stomach virus, die.


Tracie Nall said...

You know a kid (or anyone, really, especially me) is sick when she refuses cake. Poor Ironflower.

The science thing sounds cool. It is great that the boys still got to go.

Sending you all hopes for wellness. The stomach virus sucks.

Triplezmom said...

@Tracie - So far, so good for the rest of us. The cake thing really broke my heart.

Soapbox Girl said...

Awww, poor kid. I hope she bounces back quick. It's no fun being sick. I hope the rest of you manage not to catch it.