

"Maybe it's funnier to you, because you lived there," Hot Guy commented after we watched Portlandia the other night.

"Well, it does make me happy that Portland hasn't changed since my time there in the '90's, " I replied. But I don't find Portlandia all that funny, really.

I'm not sure why I put it in my Hulu queue*, to be honest.

Sometimes it makes me laugh, or nod my head in recollection. But so does Jimmy Kimmel and he's not in my queue.

I'm not a huge Fred Armisen fan. In fact, I'm sort of less than a fan since I heard that he's a total jerk in real life. I shared this with Hot Guy, who reported that most celebrities are. Except for Queen Latifah and Chris Rock, whom he's worked with and swears are wonderful, down-to-earth people.

I like Carrie Brownstein, but not enough to make me watch a show.

I'm a little worried that I watch Portlandia because it's hip.

It is hip, isn't it?

I don't know what's hip anymore.  I live in suburban New Jersey. I'm 41, not 25. I drive a minivan. People are always talking about bands I've never heard of. I buy my clothes from Lands End. I have favorite words.*

Do people even say hip? Or are we just supposed to make fun of hipsters?

Wait, isn't that what they do on Portlandia?

This is so confusing.

*"Queue" has always been one of my favorite words. I used to teach it to my students just so I could tell them to queue up for lunch. Hulu had me the minute I learned I could have a queue on it. 


Cindy Lou Who said...

I, too, like the word "queue" and think that everybody should use it more often. Also, I am not hip these days, as I do not have the energy to pursue "hipness". Hell, I don't have the energy to find my pants.

Jeff Vincent said...

We gave up on Portlandia. Season 1 was really good, but like most sketch comedy shows they rarely have a good one anymore. Somehow I think the show is still a little hip, but I think the backlash has started.

LucidLotus said...

What Jeff said. You can only go so far with the theme. And I live here.

And I'm far more hippy(damn cake batter muddy buddies) than hip these days. But we look cool on the internets, right?

Triplezmom said...

@Cindy - Exactly. That's why the only thing I could be hip about is my Hulu queue.

@Jeff - You're not really missing anything, but sometimes I just don't want to watch another gut-wrenching drama.

@LucidLotus - You're definitely cool on the internets. And it makes me feel better that even current residents aren't that into it.