
Friday I'm in Love: A Few Things

I am so tired of winter and being cold. And someone in this house always being sick. But I did find a few things to love this week. . .

1. Congratulations to Leslie from My Mommy's Place - now a mom of four absolutely gorgeous children! Click over if you need a smile on your face. For real.

2. This "movie trailer", which I am surprised is not for a real movie. . .

3. This genius list on how to stop rape.

4. All of the people standing up for marriage equality.

5. Next week we're going to Georgia, where we get to see family we haven't seen in ages and get to congratulate my aunt and uncle on being married for fifty years.*

6. Then we get to go to Florida, where we get to see Hot Guy's family, whom we don't see often enough. And we also get to see another of my aunts!**

*There is going to be ninja housesitter staying here. He'll have nunchuks. And we have an alarm.

**She's our second family member to move to Florida in the last year. I'm hoping that all of our family members move there eventually. And that they don't mind us living with them every winter.

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