
Friday I'm in Love (again)

I easily found things to love this week. Maybe I should keep taking the cough medicine.

1. Band Back Together was nominated for a Bloggie. If you would like to vote for it, or for your other favorite blogs, go to the Bloggies page.

2. This is one of the most powerful posts I've ever read. Thank you for writing it, Cindy.

3. This is my new favorite thing on YouTube. I like to listen to it when I'm writing. Sidenote: I may be officially old now.

4. This kid writes better posts than I do.

5. Congress finally reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act.

6. Hot Guy is being super-dad so I can get more crappy articles done and finance our trip to Florida next month.

7. These little people are so full of the awesome. The 4 year old is now obsessed with making art like Jackson Pollock's, the 6 year old is making a comic book with his friends and the 8 year old reads a new book every 2 days. 

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