
Friday I'm in Love: A Few Things

I am so tired of winter and being cold. And someone in this house always being sick. But I did find a few things to love this week. . .

1. Congratulations to Leslie from My Mommy's Place - now a mom of four absolutely gorgeous children! Click over if you need a smile on your face. For real.

2. This "movie trailer", which I am surprised is not for a real movie. . .

3. This genius list on how to stop rape.

4. All of the people standing up for marriage equality.

5. Next week we're going to Georgia, where we get to see family we haven't seen in ages and get to congratulate my aunt and uncle on being married for fifty years.*

6. Then we get to go to Florida, where we get to see Hot Guy's family, whom we don't see often enough. And we also get to see another of my aunts!**

*There is going to be ninja housesitter staying here. He'll have nunchuks. And we have an alarm.

**She's our second family member to move to Florida in the last year. I'm hoping that all of our family members move there eventually. And that they don't mind us living with them every winter.



Ticked Off Tuesday: A Douchebag Dad

Last year, our Y sponsored a "Healthy Kids" Day. We went because it was free and the weather was crappy. The kids had a great time - there was an obstacle course and a climbing wall and a dance party. Also, there was hardly anyone there. The kids went around and around the obstacle course and the boys were total stars on the dance floor.

I don't know who took over media relations for the Y, but whoever it was did a much better job promoting this year's event. It was packed. Which made it kind of suck.

We had to wait in a huge line for the obstacle course. The group in front of us, which doubled in size while we waited, was an assortment of parents and kids. Two of the boys wrestled each other, which the parents ignored.

During the wrestling, they knocked into Ironflower. I didn't see it, distracted by the mom behind us, whose daughter had gone to preschool with Lovebug and whose name I can never remember until five hours after I see her (FYI, yes, I remember it now).

Instead of apologizing, one of them bumped her again. Hot Guy looked at the Dad, who said, "He's a hockey player, that's what he does." For real. No apology. Hot Guy exhibited massive self-control and did not demand an apology, thereby avoiding a fight in the middle of the Y.

I mean, I suppose the guy thought that explaining that his son was a hockey player was an apology.

So, maybe, if I ran over him with my car, I could tell him that I'm a racecar driver? Or maybe I should have let Hot Guy punch him, and then explained that Hot Guy is a boxer?

And we wonder why high school athletes can turn out to be entitled assholes. I mean, this kid was no more than 8 and he was already being trained that other people don't count. When Hot Guy updated me on the whole situation, it was all I could do not to start yelling at the Dad myself. Lovebug has friends who play hockey and their parents would NEVER let them knock into someone else without apologizing, unless they were ACTUALLY playing hockey at that moment.

Of course, I shouldn't be surprised - the dad was wearing basketball shorts, despite the fact that it was 36 degrees outside. His sweatshirt and baseball cap matched. He never spoke to his daughter. He might as well have had a sign saying "Douchebag" around his neck.

If I could, I would let him know that many hockey players are perfectly polite people off the ice. That they don't go around checking people, especially people who are just standing there minding their own business. That the hockey players I knew in college - some of whom won medals in the Olympics and some of whom played professionally - did things like apologize when they bumped into you.

I have never dealt with a parent like Douchebag Dad before. Even when I taught in schools where the  parents didn't flinch when you told them their kid had called you a bitch or threatened another student, they still made their kids apologize. Even when I had parents who were totally drunk or high, they would make their kids apologize for knocking into other people. Even at schools where the kids told me their parents would sue me for making them miss recess, I never saw a parent just let their kid act like that toward other kids.



Ticked Off Tuesday: Angry

If you are friends with me on Facebook, you might have noticed that I've been posting a lot about the Steubenville case. Or rather, the world's reaction to it.

I am angry.

Not so much at the rapists. I mean, I am no more angry at them than I am at any other rapist. What they did was terrible, but unfortunately, it is not all that uncommon. (Don't want to believe me? Read this post. Or this one. Or this one. I'm not going to keep going, though I so easily could.)

A lot of us were drunk when we were raped.

So the takeaway (the victim-blaming) is that women, especially young women, shouldn't drink. Especially at parties where young men are around.

I find this interesting, because I used to get drunk a lot. Working it out mathematically, it seems that I was raped far less than one percent of the times I was drunk. Something like 1 in 800 times. Which is far less than my chances of dying in a car accident or a fall, but no one is saying that people shouldn't drive cars or stand up.

The other thing we should note is that while some people are raped while drunk, not every person who is raped is drunk. Plenty of sober people get raped too. In fact, the National Institutes of Health say one half of the people who are raped are sober.

So even if young women never got drunk at parties, there would still be rapes.

But it would be so much harder to blame the victim if every victim was sober, wouldn't it?

Do you know what EVERY SINGLE RAPE VICTIM* has in common? Sober or drunk?

Being around a rapist.

The tragedy for those young men of Steubenville is not that they got caught committing a crime. It is not that their futures are ruined. It's not that their families are sad.

It's that these young men with good grades and sports abilities and other blessings thought it was okay to rape someone. They thought that raping a drunk girl was funny. The tragedy is that they were so completely able to dehumanize another human being, not that they can't play college football.

I am angry.

I am angry that we are not telling our sons, maybe you shouldn't drink, because then you might dehumanize another person. Why are we not emphasizing that not only does no mean no, but that silence means no? Drunk means no. "I'm not sure" means no.

I am angry at every person who says, "Well, those boys were drunk too." As I mentioned before, I've been drunk a lot. I have done stupid things while drunk. But I never killed anybody, much as my drunk self may have wanted to, because I knew that was wrong. I knew that in the marrow of my bones. I never robbed a bank while drunk, or even stole easily accessible money. Even when I was drunk and broke. Because I knew it my bones that it was wrong.

Why didn't these boys know in their bones that raping this girl was wrong?

Why didn't anyone else around them?

I am angry.

I am angry that we still have to talk about this in 2013. I am angry that victim blaming is so pervasive, other young women are threatening her. I am angry that we live in a country where people think anyone ASKS to be raped.

Are people with cars asking to be carjacked? Are people with wallets asking to be mugged? Are people who own things asking to be robbed? Are people who talk asking to get punched by people who disagree with them?

I am angry that the supposedly liberal media is more worried about the rapists than the victim*.

*Hey media folks, did you know that when something bad happens to someone, that person is a victim? People who get mugged are not "assault accusers". People whose homes get flooded are not "flood accusers". People who get raped are VICTIMS (and survivors), not accusers. 


Wordless Wednesday: Birthday Trip

We took Lovebug to the city yesterday for his birthday trip. Ever since we took Ironflower to the American Girl store for her birthday, Lovebug has been wanting something similar. So yesterday we went to the big Lego store in Rockefeller Center and out to lunch in the city. 

Hot Guy had a meeting in Chelsea in the late afternoon, so Lovebug and I went to Books of Wonder. I think we could have spent another hour there - and we definitely could have spent more money. 


Ticked Off Tuesday: Stomach Virus, The Sequel

Approximately a month ago, we got a stomach virus. Everyone had it, everyone felt like shit (heh) for like two days. I thought I would never stop doing the laundry. Or taking out garbage bags of ick. But I remember (naively) thinking, "Well, at least that's over for this year." I mean, our living room - despite my mad cleaning - smelled like vomit for like a week.

Was that too much information?

Who wants to come over?

Anyway, guess what happened on Saturday? Ironflower got a stomach virus. Poor kid threw up in the car because Hot Guy and I are terrible parents and didn't take her seriously. Also, we wanted to bring her to Super Science Saturday, which was held at my old high school.

That was weird.

What happened instead was that we took her to my parents' house, cleaned out the car and then just took the boys to the science thing. I highly recommend Super Science Saturday, but not as much if you are an RHS alum. Because it's weird. They changed things. And yet you'll still know your way around. And there might be kids doing lights and whatnot in the theater and you'll wander in and want to spend time in there instead of the science thing but you won't because you're an adult now, dammit.

Lego motor thingies. Junior robotics? 

Lovebug got to set off one of the rockets. He really wanted his sister to see it. 

What was I talking about?

Oh yeah, the fucking stomach virus picking on my little girl. She's not throwing up anymore, but she's still not herself. She couldn't even sit up for her brother's birthday dinner Sunday! I mean, she refused cake. This sucks.

She just went through this a month ago, poor baby.

And usually when she gets sick, she bounces back the quickest. So if we do all get this? The rest of us will probably feel horrible for like a week at a time.

Die, stomach virus, die.


Lovebug Is Seven!

Dear Lovebug,

I am so proud of you. I know that a full day at school is hard for you, but you have this incredibly positive attitude about it. You are doing so well in school, too. You've figured out so many math concepts ahead of time and pushed yourself until you could read the Captain Underpants books all by yourself. I was so worried about your handwriting, but you got it figured out.

Legos are still your favorite thing in the world. Much as you like Lego Star Wars and Mario Kart on the Wii, it's Legos you miss during your long days at school and activities. I love how you can just build by yourself or create imaginary worlds and games with your siblings. You love making up games with your friends, too. You've even got them making comic books with you.

This year you've been playing a lot of basketball, it is definitely your favorite sport right now. Though you are excited for baseball to start again and you like to go to soccer games too. Especially if you can be the goalie. You're also taking a diving class, which you really seem to love, though part of that may be that you get to take it with your sister. You also love acting class.

You are interested in so many things and you have such an interesting way of seeing the world. You are so affectionate; I love that you still let me hug you at drop off and will still hold my hand sometimes. Occasionally you still worry too much and have anxiety about things, but you've really learned to verbalize it and to take deep breaths when needed.

                                                                                       I am so lucky to be your mom,


An Open Letter to Adam Sandler

Dear Mr. Sandler,

Last night I had the opportunity to watch your movie, That's My Boy. Before you assume that I am some prissy suburban matron, let me assure you that Animal House is one of my favorite movies. I'm not easily offended and I definitely like so-called "boys' humor". Though, really, The Wedding Singer was your best movie ever.

But what the hell, Mr. Sandler?

This movie had potential. Sure, as a former teacher and as a mother, I find the whole idea of a teacher/seventh grader relationship being played for laughs a little gross. But I could have overlooked that, I wanted to overlook that.

I like you, Mr. Sandler. I like Mr. Sandberg. I like that you cast Vanilla Ice in your movies. And I think Rachel Dratch should be in every movie, so kudos to you for recognizing that. I also appreciate your judicious use of '80's music. Even the idea of a hedge fund manager with a loser father had potential, but oh my god, what the fuck was up with the (spoiler alert) brother/sister incest thing?

That's how you had to make the fiancee unappealing? REALLY?

You couldn't think of anything else? Like maybe she's a teacher having an affair with her own student? Or she's really a bounty hunter trying to find you? Or she's really in love with Rachel Dratch's character? Nothing occurred to you but incest?

And then, after your character's big speech about what love is, you never show him reunited with the teacher? If you talked Susan Sarandon into doing one scene, surely you could have talked her into two.

It was like you couldn't decide whether to do a heartwarming comedy about fatherhood or the most offensive long form Saturday Night Live sketch ever. Please pick one next time.

Respectfully yours,


Ticked Off Tuesday: American Idol Style

I spent last Tuesday watching My Cousin Vinny, Walk the Line and the first part of Castaway.

I wasn't sick, I was at jury duty.

In New Jersey, we have a flat screen TV, blu-ray player and Bose speakers in the jury room. No wonder our property taxes are so high. We also had 2 jury wranglers, who were very nice.

I'm still flabbergasted that someone though My Cousin Vinny was a good movie to show prospective jurors. And Castaway seems kind of sick when you consider that everyone's basically trapped at the county court house, away from friends and family, unable to leave of their own volition. Apparently these are always the choices. I'm going to assume that these are the jury wranglers' favorites, though I couldn't listen to my favorite movies every day without wanting to kill someone.

Between that and my choice of Animal House, I'm guessing they'd never hire me as a jury wrangler.

Anyway, every single case that was up on my day settled except for one.

They needed two jurors on my day. Two. We were there from 8 until 2:30 (with a long break for lunch) so that two people could serve. Normally, people are there until 4:30.

So at least I was lucky. Though not as lucky as the people who checked in the day before and found out they didn't have to show up at all. I never even got called into a courtroom. It seems like such an archaic system, despite the Bose Speakers and the online forms.

Like, shouldn't we be able to watch online and vote that way? Or at least call it in like people do for American Idol?    Wouldn't everyone hate jury duty less if it meant they had to stay home and watch TV? Plus, it would be much easier to enlist the chronically ill, agoraphobics, stay-at-home parents and the unemployed that way.

The only thing I would have missed if I'd gotten to stay at home would have been the delicious lunch I had at Casual Habana in Hackensack. Totally owe my dad one for the recommendation.

But it's not like I could not have gone there on some other occasion.

So yeah, I think the whole concept of jury duty should be overhauled. And put online. Yes, that might eliminate people who don't have internet access or smartphones but. . . .shouldn't we let them out of jury duty anyway? They've got enough to deal with. Or they could go to their local library, which is probably closer than their county courthouse anyway.



"Maybe it's funnier to you, because you lived there," Hot Guy commented after we watched Portlandia the other night.

"Well, it does make me happy that Portland hasn't changed since my time there in the '90's, " I replied. But I don't find Portlandia all that funny, really.

I'm not sure why I put it in my Hulu queue*, to be honest.

Sometimes it makes me laugh, or nod my head in recollection. But so does Jimmy Kimmel and he's not in my queue.

I'm not a huge Fred Armisen fan. In fact, I'm sort of less than a fan since I heard that he's a total jerk in real life. I shared this with Hot Guy, who reported that most celebrities are. Except for Queen Latifah and Chris Rock, whom he's worked with and swears are wonderful, down-to-earth people.

I like Carrie Brownstein, but not enough to make me watch a show.

I'm a little worried that I watch Portlandia because it's hip.

It is hip, isn't it?

I don't know what's hip anymore.  I live in suburban New Jersey. I'm 41, not 25. I drive a minivan. People are always talking about bands I've never heard of. I buy my clothes from Lands End. I have favorite words.*

Do people even say hip? Or are we just supposed to make fun of hipsters?

Wait, isn't that what they do on Portlandia?

This is so confusing.

*"Queue" has always been one of my favorite words. I used to teach it to my students just so I could tell them to queue up for lunch. Hulu had me the minute I learned I could have a queue on it. 


Friday I'm in Love (again)

I easily found things to love this week. Maybe I should keep taking the cough medicine.

1. Band Back Together was nominated for a Bloggie. If you would like to vote for it, or for your other favorite blogs, go to the Bloggies page.

2. This is one of the most powerful posts I've ever read. Thank you for writing it, Cindy.

3. This is my new favorite thing on YouTube. I like to listen to it when I'm writing. Sidenote: I may be officially old now.

4. This kid writes better posts than I do.

5. Congress finally reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act.

6. Hot Guy is being super-dad so I can get more crappy articles done and finance our trip to Florida next month.

7. These little people are so full of the awesome. The 4 year old is now obsessed with making art like Jackson Pollock's, the 6 year old is making a comic book with his friends and the 8 year old reads a new book every 2 days.