"Sweetie, that's a house for sale."
"Mommy, that's too big to be a house. That's a hospital," Hugmonkey is nothing if not sure of himself.
"No babe, it's a house."
"Mommy, you're silly!"
I gave up. It did kind of look like a mental hospital.
I think this is the house we saw. If not, it is for sale in the same town and looks like the one we saw, so you get Hugmonkey's point.
I also feel compelled to point out that we do not live in England, or wherever ancestral piles like this are still around. This house isn't even 20 years old and it's in New Jersey. It has no excuse.
Not that I begrudge anyone living in a house as big as Hot Guy's hometown hospital, exactly. I just don't get it. Every year I watch the HGTV Dream Home special (though I never win) and the "Dream" houses are never this big or wannabe looking. And they're supposed to be dreams.
Even when I win the Powerball, I just know I'll never buy a house like this. Would you?
Oh, how I crack up when I watch these HGTV shows featuring people who "need more space". Generally, these people don't need more space, they just need to clean the damn house and get rid of all that stuffs they don't use. I live in a magic bus that is less than 250 square feet. I would get lost in a mental hospital-sized house.
A house that big means cleaning that sucker and I can barely keep up with 1000 sq ft.
What do people do with all those rooms?
Now, don't get me wrong, I would love to have a house big enough for one ONE room to be just mine but that isn't happening until both kids leave for college and move out permanently.
@Cindy - I totally thought of you while I was writing this. I will say that the only time I have sympathy for the people who need more space are when they've just added kids to the family. Kids have so much crap.
@Catootes - I would like to have 2 more rooms (playroom and 1 more bedroom so my boys don't have to share) in my house and a bigger kitchen, I admit. But I can't really imagine what else I'd need.
I would never buy a house that big. Crazy.
It really should be the setting for an old movie mental institution.
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