This whole being more positive thing is HARD. I have been waiting all weekend for inspiration. Much as I appreciated Hot Guy getting on the cleaning bandwagon (er, maybe starting the cleaning bandwagon? I'm kinda useless beyond dishes and laundry) this weekend I didn't really think you guys would want me to post about it.
Even though I sort of just did.
But I've got something better. This is my NINE HUNDREDTH post, according to Blogger. Of course, that goes back to when this blog was called "Dirty Little Secret" and I called myself "Jerseygirl89" and I only had two kids and BlogHer had like 4 people at it. But still. I've been blogging on this blog for almost 7 years and I've written 900 posts.
I wrote a 12 part saga about how I met and married Hot Guy.
I vented about being pregnant with HugMonkey.
I found the soapbox pretty quickly.
I would like to promise you all a cash giveaway or huge party this year when I hit 1000 posts, but my low-level, random and cynical style hasn't been exactly lucrative. If you have any ideas on what I kind do for less than $20, leave them in the comments. I think there are a few of you who have been reading for nearly as long as I've been writing - you deserve some kind of reward.
So my happy is this: blogging has saved my sanity more times than I can count, introduced me to some of the most amazing people on the planet and gotten my family to the circus a few times. I feel blessed that I get to keep writing and actually have people keep reading.
You should totally give away a unicorn that poops cupcakes!
I remember when it was Dirty Little Secret.
Congratulations on 900 posts!
Woot! Here's to 900 more!
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