(Recovering When Your Male Partner Is Injured While Sledding With the Children)
Step 1: Relief. Thank God he rolled off before he hit the tree.
Step 2: Concern. How bad is it? Should we go to the doctor? The ER?
Step 3: Gratitude. It's not bad enough to go to the ER. He'll be fine soon.
Step 4: Sympathy. It seems like he's in a lot of pain, poor guy. Cracked ribs must really suck.
Step 5: Patience. Yes, over-the-counter pain killers can make you feel better. I'll get them for you.
Step 6: Commiseration. Yeah, it's terrible when your core is injured. Like when you have a c-section or 3.
Step 7: Frustration. You can handle sex but not taking the garbage out?
Step 8: Annoyance. Do you have to yell every time you feel a stabbing pain? I was sleeping, dammit.
Step 9: Envy. I want an excuse to be as grumpy as I feel.
Step 10: Appreciation. At least I'm not in terrible pain.
Step 11: Prayer. Please let him never get hurt again.
Step 12: Acceptance. I accept that I am powerless over my husband's injury, mood and ability to function.
big fat squishy (((hugs))) to you. I just got done with Sunshine being sick, and I swear on all that is holy, If I had to listen to him moan and groan and grunt for one more minute, you would be reading about me in the crime section.
Enough about me, what I really meant to say is
I hope he gets better soon and I hope you find some time to take a break from it for a minute or three!
Cindy - This is a safe space. Complain and talk about yourself all you want. And thank you!
Step 6 and 7 speak to me.
Hope he is better soon.
Why on earth are most men the biggest babies in the world?
Haha, aw, he's lucky to have you! And that must be some dangerous sledding hill! Hope he's back to normal soon!
I just want to say that I don't know how I could handle this without your help and understanding, and I am truly lucky to have a partner who can put up with all my crap. I love you.
That said, I think you should follow this with a blog about everything I do that is awesome.
Yes, step 6 and 7. YES.
Nina's Mama - I don't know why, but it seems to be pretty universal.
Megan - It was surprisingly speedy! And it went right into a busy road. Probably not the best choice.
Scandalous Rogue - I love you too. You are awesome.
Leslie - I know, right?
3zmom is the best partner ever.
PS- I DID take out the trash, and cook, and clean- she needed something .... I did moan a lot. After all.
And if I hit "return" I am in trouble.
But mostly she is right, Damn I owe her.
I will pledge to moan less while I let her sleep.
This is genius. Swap out Injured While Sledding With the Children and this can apply to any marital conflict.
Loves it.
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