
Wordful Wednesday: Halloween

I realize it's November 14th. And while normally I would just skip over pictures that were two weeks after the actual holiday, I'm not going to this time. Our town just finally celebrated Halloween on the 11th. It was with a trunk-or-treat in the high school parking lot instead of the huge street party and all town trick-or-treating like we usually do, but at least our kids got some kind of Halloween.

Just let us get our candy, mom. 

Also, let me say something to the people leaving nasty comments on various pages that talked about trick-or-treating after the storm. I know that we're damn lucky that missing Halloween and days without power were the worst thing that happened to our kids. But to spew venom because we're hoping our kids get to have Halloween even though there are kids out there without homes, clothes and toys is so fucking stupid.

First of all, we weren't talking about it on a Hurricane victim or volunteer page. Second of all, there are always kids around us who don't have homes, clothes, toys, books or families. Always. There are always kids around us whose problems are so much bigger than Halloween.

And if you broaden your view beyond this country, you'll realize that kids in 2012 are still dying of starvation and curable diseases.

So, venom-spewer, did your kids celebrate Halloween last year? Even though there were all those children living in homeless shelters and domestic violence shelters within minutes of your home? And all the kids starving to death on the same planet?

Thought so.

I have an idea. Why don't you collect some stuff for the kids hurt by the hurricane? Or donate to Save the Children? I realize that's a little more difficult than typing insults, but think of how morally superior you can feel.


Catootes said...

Some people are just stupid. I mean of course the people spewing vitriol at others for wanting their kids to have a little fun on Halloween.

We can empathize for those who were so tragically affected by Sandy while still hoping for a little normalcy.

Cindy Lou Who said...

While I thought it was silly that Governor Christie did the whole proclamation thing about Halloween, I also realize that, for kids, some kind of normalcy and consistency is important. And I am willing to bet that all those assholes that spew hate at y'all for being worried about halloween definitely had halloween for their kids without worrying about starving children anywhere in the world. What a bunch of assfucks.

LucidLotus said...

I'm glad your kiddos got Halloween. Every kid deserves to be a kid and reveling in their happiness has no impact at all on the status of kids suffering elsewhere.
If we go by the venom-spewers standard, none of us can be happy or celebrate ever because someone else will always be suffering somewhere.
Let's let the good things lift us up instead of being dragged down by the bad.

Tracie Nall said...

Small things like the normalcy of Halloween are important for kids after a big, scary storm.

Those haters are just trying to find anything to get all upset about so they can complain.

Your kiddos are looking cute and happy!