
Rizzo Was Totally Right About Sandy

So. Fucking hurricanes. 

I'd like to thank all of the people who were sympathetic to me while I bitched about not having power for 5 days. We're totally buying a generator, I swear. But we had a gas stove top and hot water, so it could have been worse. And sure, we couldn't leave our town for 2 days because all the roads were blocked, but at least we still had a town. 

I guess I'm trying to apologize for being so completely wrapped up in my own plight while so many have it so much worse. I feel like an asshole. 

The first beach we took Ironflower and Lovebug to is gone. 

Businesses are gone

Homes are gone. 

Entire towns are gone. 

People are gone. 

We heard things, on our hand crank radio. And I read things on Twitter and Facebook. But I didn't see any pictures. I still haven't seen any video. I mean, there's the memory of the wind that sounded like a train and what the trees behind my house looked like in that wind, but that's it. When I used my precious phone charge, I was mostly looking for information about how to get out of my town or whether there was gas anywhere. 

This road is still blocked. 

I thought I would be all over the news, once I had my power back. But I can't watch it. 

My heart hurts. I feel so very blessed and lucky. I told myself that throughout the storm, that we were lucky to be together and safe. Every time I lamented the fact that my parents didn't have power either, I tried to remember that the trees that crashed into their power lines could have just as easily hit their house. Or their neighbors' house.

The trees in front of my parents' house. 

 I would catch updates from my aunt in Maryland, living without power and with two feet of snow and feel relieved that at least we didn't have any snow. I tried to only vent on social media, to only whine after my kids were asleep. 

My kids, by the way, were amazing. So resilient and positive and able to entertain themselves in the half-dark. They are way tougher than their parents. 

Now I'm just looking for ways to help the people not as blessed as I am. Mashable has a good list for people not in the area. 


LisserB said...

I'm glad your family is okay. I can't imagine how scared you must have been.

Cindy Lou Who said...

It's ok to whine or complain, even if it wasn't as bad for you as it was for others. Your feelings are still valid, #sandy was a traumatic event. I'm proud of you for expressing your feelings and then trying to do something for those who got hit worse. Love and hugs!

Tracie Nall said...

I'm so glad you are okay.