
Out of Sorts

I am out of sorts.

I have been out of sorts since Sandy hit on the 29th. That's like 10 days ago and I still can't seem to get it together. We've had power back for almost a week. My parents finally have their power back today. Everyone I know is okay.

We didn't even lose power during Wednesday's lovely nor'easter. And by lovely, I mean are-you-fucking-kidding-me. 

Still, the kids are back in school. I've spent all our extra money on batteries, lanterns and food donations. And by extra, I mean money-I-really-should-have-used-it-for-bills. 

I should be back to writing blogs and articles and working on my reading website, which will be called "The Reading Witch" because someone already bought thereadingbitch.com. And by someone, I mean that bitch.

Instead I just really want to curl up with the entire Harry Potter series, some chocolate and Rachel Maddow reading election results in the background. Actually, what I really want to do is take Donald Trump's American Express card and buy all the things on the Sandy Volunteer Amazon wishlists:

New Jersey's List

New York's List

And then I would like to donate a lot more than $10 to the Red Cross. Also,  I would like to invite all the people still living in shelters and in schools and wherever to stay in the apartments in NYC that people use as second and third and fourth homes.

This does not make me a socialist. But it might make me a communist. Though I don't expect anyone to give up their New York home permanently, I'd just like them to share while people are in need. Maybe some of them are, I don't know. The only people I know who had second homes had them at the Jersey shore.

So yeah. I'm still out of sorts.

1 comment:

Cindy Lou Who said...

Sometimes, the spirit behind communism or socialism isn't really wrong.