Things That Are Fabulous This Friday:
The Band Back Together calendar project. It pictures many fabulous people kicking stigmas in the taco and you should totally buy one.
Rolling Jubilee. Some of the people who were trying to Occupy Wall Street had a brilliant idea: what if they raised money to buy people's debts, then erased the debts? $25 gets $500 of debt erased.
One of my favorite posts by Aunt Becky. It is hilarious.
Election night reflection by Joules.
A lesson in Recovery from Cindy
This photo.
Parks and Recreation. I didn't like it when it first started, even though I wanted to. I don't know whether I've changed or the show has, but now I love it. Adam Scott helps. I might be slightly obsessed with him. According to imdb, he is good friends with Paul Rudd.
Excuse me, I have to go fan myself.