
Am I Supposed To Be Putting Together a Holiday Gift Guide?

So according to a bunch of emails I've received lately, I must be in the throes of putting together my holiday gift guide.

Clearly, I am doing this mom blogger thing all wrong. I mean, I sort of knew that when I wasn't getting free trips to Disney and thousands of hits a day, but I've always attributed that to my lazy streak and penchant for blogging about politics. And all the bitching I do. And the swearing. And the fact that I have never published a recipe. Or a cartoon. Or a craft.

Or, apparently, a gift guide.

Back when I started blogging, no one talked about gift guides. Those were in InStyle Magazine, not on mom blogs. We were so naive back in the aughts. But now that I think about it, why IS some assistant editor at InStyle more qualified to suggest gifts than I am?

I mean, obviously, for stylish gifts, I'm not the one to pick. But I know about toys. And books. And clothes from Lands End and The Children's Place. There's no reason that I couldn't do a gift guide. I like shopping. And when I can't afford to shop, I create extensive online shopping carts that make websites send me reminder emails, as if I was really going to buy $400 worth of stuff at The Children's Place and just forgot to put my credit card info in.

I get a lot of reminder emails.

But I do buy stuff during the holidays.

See the joy? I am really good at buying gifts. 
At least for children. 

I could do a children's gift guide. But is that selling out? I mean, if the list is truly stuff I recommend, not this crap marketing interns keep emailing me about. 

Next thing you know I'll be telling you guys my secrets to making Suddenly Salad pasta salad even better. 

What do you guys think? Do you do gift guides? Will I ruin my cynical bitch "brand" if I do one? 


Cindy Lou Who said...

Ok, I think those idiots at magazines are pretty out of touch with middle america when they put together gift guides. Have you seen the prices on that shit?

That said, I think you are capable of doing a gift guide that fits perfectly with your cynical bitch brand, especially if you are being honest with your recommendations (and throw in a little snark when you touch on the don'ts or train wrecks).

I mean, really, I don't think that there is a magazine editor or famous blogger out there that could be trusted more than somebody I already know and trust.

So you do what you think is right for you.

Anonymous said...

I've got to go with Cindy on this one. I'd rather read suggestions from a peer than some suit in an office that doesn't even have children.