
Update on Ironflower's School Attitude

So Ironflower is back to liking school. She is still bored academically, though she tells me that her teacher is going to start reading groups soon. Taking more than 7 weeks to start reading groups seems a little ridiculous to me, but I taught in a different kind of world.

Anyway, she says the bullying has stopped, so that's good news. I think that was the biggest problem, honestly. Hot Guy and I have always been really strict about not excluding people and being kind to them and Ironflower has taken it to heart. I am proud of this, of course, but it does make it difficult when Ironflower encounters kids whose parents encourage them to exclude others.

I have not talked to her teacher because I don't think it would help. She's already taken care of the bullying and I don't think it will help on the academics. It's not something that she wouldn't already be aware of, she grades all their papers. Differentiated instruction is just not a priority for her and my complaining about it isn't going to change her methodology. Plus, I don't want her to go from liking my kid to not liking my kid because of my complaints.

Yeah, that can happen.

We'll just have to do some more stuff at home. And cross our fingers that things keep getting better.


Cindy Lou Who said...

here's hopes that the extra work at home does help!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like things are about as good as they're going to get with this teacher. I hope she gets a better one next year!

StephLove said...

My first grader was getting picked on earlier in the year but fortunately it only lasted a couple days and she was able to handle it herself. I also wish she was getting harder work, especially in math.

I'm glad things are looking up for your daughter.

Reggie said...

Whenever bullying is going on it makes for a situation not conducive for learning. Bullying is just unacceptable.