
The Urge To Homeschool Strikes Again

Ironflower recently told me that she hates school.

Since Ironflower was the kid who cried when she had to leave preschool each day, this is not good. Not that it would be good anyway, of course, but in other kids it might make sense. Lovebug, for example, who is still struggling with the transition to the full day of first grade and who would rather be home playing with his Legos than just about anything, doesn't hate school.

When I went with her class to the Book Fair, I was uncomfortable. Her teacher had them pair up by asking each child to pick a partner, leaving the last two kids to pair up by default. They looked upset. No one seemed to care.  It killed me and it wasn't even my kid. When we walked to the fair, Ironflower held my hand the entire time. She did not do that in first grade or in kindergarten.

The class was the least cohesive class I've ever seen; pairs hardly communicated at all. When I went to the Fair with Lovebug's class, they all chattered with each other and Lovebug hung out with his buddies and his teacher didn't have them pick partners. Lovebug, my affectionate boy, hardly held my hand at all.

Since then, I've heard stories of bullying in Ironflower's class. I'm not surprised. The bullying upsets Ironflower even though it hasn't happened to her so far.

She picked out her outfit and hair accessory. 

And then there's the school work. It is piles of worksheets that cover the same topic. The same topic that Ironflower understood after the first work sheet. During independent reading time, Ironflower is not allowed to get more books. Some days she finishes two chapter books in the time allotted for reading, but she can't get more books. I don't quite understand. She seemed nervous when I suggested she bring a book from home to keep in her desk. 

Finally, there's the look on her face when I suggested that she ask her teacher something. She looked horrified. My friendly, assertive, roller coaster riding kid looked nervous. 

I never thought I would have trouble talking to my kids' teachers. But I have no idea what to say to this woman without being like, "Do you not know anything about children? Why are you giving them so many work sheets? Why do you want them to be bored? Do you not like the kids who are getting picked on? Can I just sit here and observe for a few days so that I can judge your professional competence?" 

I don't think those questions would be very effective. Any suggestions? 


Catootes said...

I would schedule a mtg with the teacher immediately explaining your concerns about the redundancy of material and the reading issue. If you don't start the conversation, little can be done to address the issue. If the teacher is not receptive, then it's time to contact the principal.

Triplezmom said...

@Catootes - I'm just not sure how to phrase it politely because the last thing I want is her not liking my kid. Ironflower is feeling more positive today, at least.

davismusic said...

I agree that you should meet with the teacher. Address the bullying issue head-on. Tell her that Ironflower has mentioned incidents with other students and that you are concerned. Ask her if there is a reason for so many worksheets. Are the other students struggling with a particular skill? Offer to volunteer in the classroom with the students who need extra help. Ask about letting Ironflower have extra books when she is finished. Maybe the teacher is so overwhelmed with the kids that are behind that she isn't noticing the ones that are not. Oh, and buy her a Daily 5 book for Christmas. : )

Cindy Lou Who said...

Jeez, I don't have kids, so I have no true insight. However, I agree that there has to be some way to talk to the teacher without causing problems for your child. Perhaps volunteering to help in the classroom would give this teacher an opportunity to see how someone else sees & works outside of her little box?

Tracie Nall said...

I don't really have any great advice, because I've never had to deal with any teachers except myself.

But it does sound bad. On several levels. I'm sorry she is having a hard time.

Anonymous said...

I'd say start with the principal, if you're pretty sure she won't blab to the teacher. Teacher is probably not capable of recognizing that she needs to change, at least not via gentle hints from you. The principal threatening her job might get her attention, though. Good luck!