
I Am That Idiot

alternative title: My Ass Is Damp

A few weeks ago, Hot Guy put air in my tires (not a euphemism). He also left my car window open. Naturally it poured that night. Towels soaked up the surface puddle, but they did jack for the deep wet that rooted itself in the upholstery.

My ass was damp for three days. Hopefully you have no idea how uncomfortable that is.

This is what my ass looks like. In my head. Or 1996. Whatever. 

When I mentioned it to Hot Guy, he claimed that he did it to himself all the time. He seemed confused by how bothered I was. Of course, he was probably hoping that I'd just shut up about it. But all I could think was:

"My ass is damp, motherfucker!"

Also: "What kind of idiot does this more than once?"

You know where this is going.

Yesterday at the Y, I left my car window open. And it rained like hell while we were inside. Since I spent all of my time in the basement and in the pool area, I had no clue. Until we got back to the car, anyway.

My ass was damp.


And this time I didn't even get my tires inflated. (This all sounds kind of dirty, doesn't it?)


Kirs said...

I'm laughing my ass off. My ass is dry by the way in case you were wondering.

That really sucks, especially telling Hot Guy what happened.

I've been the victim of damp ass before. It is no fun. And it takes sooo freaking long for the car seat to dry.

thepsychobabble said...

I have done that more times than I would like to admit

Maura said...

Next time come to my house...I have a carpet steamer and I can use it to soak up the water so it will dry faster.

No need to run around with a damp butt.

davismusic said...

I keep one of those waterproof crib liners around for occasions such as this.

Catootes said...

Yeah, the open window thing. So my normal modus operandi. At least now I know that I am in good company.