
Happy Native Plant Day

I'm trying to keep up with this weekday blogging thing, even though I totally skipped yesterday because it was a holiday. And by holiday, I mean that my kids didn't go to school. Not that I'm all into celebrating Columbus. 

Because, let's be honest, he was kind of dick. And the Vikings had already discovered North America. Plus, you know, all the people who were already here. 

Perhaps I should celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving instead. My one Irish great-grandmother lived in Canada for a while. Except that I'm not really clear on how the holiday works. Is there pie? Turkey? I actually know some Canadians, so it's not like I couldn't ask. I've just been too busy bitching about Columbus Day. 

Do you think it helps that we went to the pumpkin patch yesterday? Is celebrating a native plant on Columbus Day subversive? 

I can't believe I actually got a picture while Hugmonkey was in there for .02 seconds. 

Wait, pumpkins are native to North America, right? 

Google seems to think so. Phew. 

That's it. From now on I'm celebrating Columbus Day as Native Plant Day. 


Cindy Lou Who said...

Columbus and all those other guys committed genocide and stole land from the native peoples. I believe you have found a noble and honorable way to celebrate Columbis Day.

Tracie Nall said...

Native plant day is great.

For my (half) Canadian Thanksgiving, I eat whatever I want...pie, chips, chocolate, salad (but not actually in that order). It is nice. And there is no crazy long line at the grocery store when you decide you want to end the night with an ice cream sundae.