
That Photo

Over at Band Back Together, we are having a 9/11 inspired carnival. Last year, I wrote about what 9/11 meant for me.

Recently, a number of people on my Facebook timeline have shared a picture of the towers burning, asking people to "like" the photo to honor all that were killed.

I fucking hate that photo.

It's not that I don't want to honor everyone who was killed, injured, or heartbroken. It's not that I don't want to honor those who lost someone or those who were responders. I really, really, do. But I'm never going to "like" that photo - and not just because I very rarely pass that sort of stuff on.

I fucking hate that photo.

To me, that photo honors destruction and hate and the horrible sick feeling I had as I stared at the TV screen that day. To me, that photo is a slap in the face to everyone who loved someone in the towers that day. To me, that photo belongs in books and historical accounts and on websites devoted to 9/11, not on social media where anyone could be devastated by it. I mean, I'm upset by it and I was not close to any of the people I know were in the towers that day.

I fucking hate that photo.

And I ask, before you "like" a photo on Facebook and pass it to everyone on your friends list, that you think about it. Do you really like the photo? Could it trigger anyone? Does it really show the spirit you want to convey?


Cindy Lou Who said...

I think that, in some ways, by continuing to bring those images to the forefront, we are allowing the terrorists to win. We should bring to the public consciousness images of recovery, of hope, of the togetherness.

Tracie Nall said...

I wonder about a lot of photos that people use on social media to raise awareness or commemorate or make a statement about something. I saw one shared the other day with a sad, hurt looking child that was supposed to share a message about not abusing children. But when I looked at it, all I saw was an abused child and it hurt my heart.

I'm sorry you were affected by the images of the towers burning. I'm sure you were not the only one, and I can't even imagine what it would be like if I had lost a loved on in those towers and had to see the images over and over again. Devastating.

Triplezmom said...

Cindy Lou - Exactly.

Tracie - I hate those photos too. There's got to be a more positive way to ask for help.