And every week, I forget to participate. Except this week! This week I have a list of awesome stuff for you to click on, so that you can be happy too. Or you can even join in on your own blog and share a link! But I called the post "Marvelous Monday" because I really like alliteration. And I feel like "marvelous" is an under-utilized word these days. Anyway, things that make me happy and/or are marvelous . . .
1. That my cousin finally has an outlet for his obsession with Charlie's Angels.
2. That my other cousin moved to Hawaii, became a homeschooler and started a blog in the space of a month. (Confession: This actually makes me happy AND jealous, but she says we can come visit so I'm trying to let go of the jealousy).
3. That my mom started blogging. (New personal goal: Get entire extended family to start blogging.)
4. That Hot Guy is spending more time on Twitter. (Though he already has a higher Klout score than I do. Which is unfair.)
5. That my dad is also hanging out on Twitter. (He also has a higher Klout score than I do. Maybe I should try get the entire family on Twitter instead and have them retweet me so that I could get a higher Klout score? Or possibly I should stop obsessing about my Klout score.)
6. This lovely back-to-school letter. It's a bit too religious for me to share with my kids verbatim, but I'll be sharing similar ideas with my own kiddos this week when they finally go back to school.
What's making you happy today, readers?
mah pyjamas iz making me happy this morning. (which tells me i need a job quick, before i decide pjs are appropriate for the grocery store)
Cindy - I love pajamas. And not having to dress for work? It's wonderful, but it's a slippery slope. I spend way too much time in yoga pants.
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