
Fuck Off Friday

I'm not sure whether this will be a regular feature or not. I suppose it depends on how offended people are by this initial list. Because you probably like something on this list. And I get that. I'm just really grouchy right now.

Things that can just fuck off, in no particular order:

1. Blog giveaways. I know, I know. I've hosted some. You've hosted some or won something or whatever. But there are just SO MANY. I think that's all some blogs do these days. I think there should be a rule that giveaways can only be one out of every ten posts or something. Back in the day, bloggers didn't even host giveaways. . .and we had walk ten miles up hill in the snow to our computers. 

2. Twitter parties. Yeah, I said it. It's not that I don't love talking to people on The Twitter. I know that the Band has done some real good through their parties and I'm sure others have too. But. Mostly they're about winning products. And the tweets are filled with boring one word hashtags, instead of witty hashtages at the end. Maybe I should learn how to used Tweetdeck properly so that I could follow Twitter parties instead of just trying to keep up between all the people tweeting about giveaways.

3. Participating in a Twitter party or writing a blog post to possibly win a gift card or product. I really need to remove myself from marketing mailing lists. You see, I'd like to be PR friendly, but why should I pimp your product or message on my blog for a chance at a gift card? Is that what you'd say to a TV station or a newspaper? We'll maybe pay you for our ad if you participate in a contest?*

4. Bills. Duh.

5. The massive traffic clusterfuck in my small town. They closed off one of the main arteries through town - which goes to all 3 schools and is used by tons of people cutting through our town every day. Now they are all going past my street. It sucks.
6. School fundraisers. I would rather just give them $20 than try to convince other people to buy wrapping papers, plants, cookie dough or whatever else we're selling.

*I get that this blog (unfortunately) does not reach the audience numbers of even the lamest cable channel. But then, I'm not asking to be paid at TV station rates. I'd just like to be paid instead of entering a "contest just for bloggers with a Page Rank of 3 or higher". 


Caitlin MidAtlantic said...

My 4 month old had a fundraising kit in his cubby this week. The two year old did, too. Come on people! Laura can't tie her (princess) shoes and Gavin can't even sit up! It's ridiculous!

Triplezmom said...

Caitlin - That is insane.

silken said...

ok, I thought all the fundraisers were insane...until I read that first comment. That is true insanity!!!!

Cindy Lou Who said...

OH, gawd, I thought I was the only one who hated those school fundraisers where you buy 20 pound tins of chocolate-cayenne-okra flavored popcorn with edamame in it. Any suggestions on what to do with the 483 TONS of that stuff I have sitting in storage because I am a sucker for all my friend's kids?

Mrs. A. said...

I am so glad I discovered your blog because I kind of love it. I've even added you to my exclusive Blog Roll ;-) By the way, I too detest excessive giveaways.