
The Bronx Zoo Is Better Than Animal Kingdom

I think I remember going to the Bronx Zoo once as a kid. I wasn't really into animals and my parents weren't really into driving all the way to the Bronx, so it wasn't a family thing. It actually wasn't until I did a project at the Oregon Zoo while in graduate school that I became interested in wild animals and conservation and such.

Which brings us to how I've dragged my family to the Bronx Zoo twice in the past month. And by dragged, I mean they loved every second of it. The kids are already making plans for our next trip. (If you have a bunch of kids and plan on going more than once, I highly recommend membership. It winds up being much cheaper, plus you're helping the Wildlife Conservation Society).

The Bronx Zoo is not only awesome, but its goal is to protect and preserve wild species, not capture wild animals.  And no, this post is not sponsored. I just love the Bronx Zoo that much. It's way better than Animal Kingdom at Disney World, and I looooove me some Disney World.

Those are nyalas. I had never heard of them before. 

This is our gorilla buddy. Pretty sure he was watching Ironflower.

 Giraffes are now Hugmonkey's favorite animal.

Climbing in the Children's Zoo. 

A bit of advice, though: Make sure your 3G is working if you intend to use your cell phone maps for directions. Our trip the other day almost turned into, "The Day We Went to McDonald's in the Bronx" because we got kind of lost. We wanted to avoid traffic - which we totally did - but I hadn't memorized the new directions very, um, well. And my cell didn't work. And despite living less than 15 miles from the Bronx for most of my life, I've only been there 5 times.  So I really had no idea where the fuck we were going. 

But the McDonald's on Kingsbridge has a play space and wifi, so eventually I figured it out. Basically. 

Hot Guy deserves major kudos for not losing it yesterday as he tried to drive in NYC while I freaked out. And also? He's the one that found the McDonald's. 

Next time I'm printing a map. 


Greg Blackshear said...

"And despite living less than 15 miles from the Bronx for most of my life, I've only been there 5 times. So I really had no idea where the fuck we were going" hahaha this is why i read your blog. Great story. And the fact that the animals did NOT freak out means none of your kids are spawns of satan like what happened in The Omen! Win win! What a great litmus test for demonic possesion!

LucidLotus said...

I lived in NY for ten years and only went there once when I was about to leave. So lame. I should have been going there all the time. That place rules.

Triplezmom said...

Blackshear - Wow, I had not thought of it that way. Am now trying to remember what happened when I brought certain former students to the zoo.

LucidLotus - We've been here for 5 years and didn't start going until this summer. I really think no one considers how awesome it is. Also, come back and visit!