
I Forgot About The Grocery Store

Something I didn't think about when I was planning our summer of relaxation (no camps, no lessons, no plans) was going to the grocery store. HugMonkey has been my grocery store buddy since he was born, but he's the only one. I have avoided taking all 3 of them to the store with me since Ironflower started preschool at 2 1/2. I mean, it happened, but it not regularly. Even if it meant going to my least favorite store while Ironflower was at dance class. I love them dearly, but they have a lot of energy. And Lovebug and Ironflower together have very kinetic energy.

But with my compulsion to shop at several different stores to get everything at the cheapest prices (which, admittedly, has waned somewhat this summer) and the fact that on Hot Guy's days off we're usually doing something as a family, there have been a lot of days where I had to take all 3 of them to the store.

It was easier when they were smaller. I won't say this about most things - just going to the park is a marathon when you have 3 kids under 5 - but at the grocery store, I miss them all being little.

Weren't they cute? 

I miss being able to strap them all into a cart. Sure, there were times when all 3 of them would be yelling or crying or whatever, but that I could ignore. Sprinting to the other side of the store? Not so much.

Even when they all stay by the cart, it's not much better. HugMonkey likes the car carts (and so does Lovebug, even though he wouldn't want me to tell his friends that), which are like the Hummers of grocery carts. Especially when you've got at least one other kid hanging onto the side. But they all switch positions frequently and of course they have to run in front of the cart when they do so. If I don't manage to run over at least one of them before the end of the summer I will have used up a lifetime supply of good luck.

Also, have I mentioned that my kids are loud? And talkative? And that they are in the midst of imaginary play at all times?

I'm surprised more people don't run for cover when we come charging down the grocery aisle.

It's gotten so bad that I've started to use the hours my parents watch the kids on Sunday afternoons just to go grocery shopping in peace. And this morning, when I knew I couldn't wait until Sunday? I got up early so I could go before Hot Guy went to work.

I cut my time by two-thirds. How do homeschoolers do it?

Generally, I've liked our flexible schedule this summer. The kids have actually driven me less crazy because I haven't had to hurry them anywhere. It made me think that if we ever did have to move and I had to homeschool the kids (our current district is so awesome that most other places would pale in comparison), I could totally handle it.

Except for the grocery shopping.


Cindy Lou Who said...

i hate grocery shopping, and i have no children. i don't knkw how you do it.

Unknown said...

You are inside my head!

davismusic said...

Now that school is back in session I have to go to the store on the weekends. It's like torture to take kids (yes we get the car) and steer the blasted thing around all the other people that are taking up space at the store on the weekend. I think I will start going while the kids are having "siesta" (AKA mandatory quiet time for reading alone or napping) on Saturday just so I can avoid having to get the car.

Triplezmom said...

Cindy - Borrow some kids and take them with you next time. Every time after that will seem a lot more pleasant, I promise.

Avery - That's pretty cool, since your head is so far away!

Davismusic- I'll be so happy when they're too big for the car, I hear you.