
Dear Twihards. . .

I've never really been into Twilight. I read the books. Well, I read the first book and the last book, because that's how the library gave them to me and I really didn't care enough to find out what happened in the middle.

The writing and the (lack of) character development didn't exactly move me.

But I was excited to see the movies. Good acting can make up for a multitude of sins and I had high hopes. Until I found out that Robert Pattinson had been cast as Edward. I have nothing against Robert Pattinson, but he's no Edward. Edward, I thought, was supposed to be sexy. And manly. And did I mention sexy?

Taylor Kitsch

When I expressed my position that they were ruining the film by miscasting it, someone pointed out that they were trying to appeal to teenage girls, not 40 year old women. Why not this guy, then?

Zach Gilford

I still love me some Friday Night Lights

Anyway, friends assured me that Robert Pattinson would grow on me. He didn't. We won't even get started on the disappointment that is Taylor Lautner (again, not him personally, just for the role). And the only thing I've ever liked about Kristen Stewart is her perceived bitchiness in interviews. 

So I haven't actually seen any Twilight movie in its entirety. But because I'm a consumer of pop culture, I feel like I have. And really? 

I'm not the least bit surprised that Kristen and Rob have broken up. I'm not even all that surprised that she cheated. They have no chemistry. I am surprised that she chose a guy my age instead of whichever Hemsworth was in the Snow White movie with her (yes I could Google it, but then I'd just spend 4 hours trying to decide which Hemsworth is my favorite) or at least Kellan Lutz. But there's no accounting for chemistry. Or manipulation of starlets. 

I know that there are a lot of heartbroken Twilight fans out there. I am tempted to make fun of them, but:

1. I don't have the funds to hire a bodyguard, like I hope Kristen Stewart has done, and
2. I'm not sure how I would react if any of my Friday Night Lights actors had actually fallen in love with one another and then I found out that one of them had cheated on the other. 

So in the interests of not being a hypocrite, I will just say this: 

Once upon a time, the world was pretty pissed at Brad Pitt for cheating on Jennifer Aniston. Before that, they were pissed at Hugh Grant for cheating on Elizabeth Hurley. Now all of these people are better off apart. Sure, it was a shitty thing for Kristen to do. But Rob is better off without her. So calm down, okay? 

Also, this never would have happened if they'd cast Taylor Kitsch as Edward. 

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