
Rick Santorum Should Watch Teen Mom

Oh Rick Santorum, what am I going to blog about when you finally go away?

Rick voted for No Child Left Behind, of course. You know, when a Republican said it was a good idea. But now that we have a Democratic President, and a better version of No Child Left Behind, he thinks parents should be responsible for educating their children.

Have you ever watched Teen Mom, Rick?

How about The Real Housewives of New Jersey?

Or when Leno asks people on the street basic questions about our country?

Probably not. Which I guess explains why you think parents - and only parents - should be responsible for educating their children. But just to give you the benefit of the doubt, Rick, let's say that every parent is indeed smart enough and patient enough to homeschool or create a cooperative school. Or we can say that any idiot can teach, whatever you prefer.*

 I still have an issue with your public school system hate. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I was a public school teacher. If anything, that experience makes me more inclined to hate public education. I just don't have a better alternative. Do you, Rick?

Do you have a plan for the families who just can't afford to have one parent stay home and teach their kids or participate in a co-op? Do you have a plan for all the LEGAL immigrants who move here but don't speak the language well enough to teach it to their children? Do you have a plan for single parents - I know you don't believe in divorce, but even if you outlaw it there will still be single parents if for no other reason that sometimes people die young? Do you have a plan for protecting children who are being abused by their families?

You see, Rick, this is just like your prejudice against birth control. In your perfect world, no one would need it because only married, financially secure, healthy people would have sex. And if those people had one partner who wanted to stay home with the children full time for 18 years and educate them, then your education plan would be golden.

But Rick, seriously, have you ever watched Teen Mom?

Or the news?

We don't live in your perfect world, Rick. WE NEVER HAVE. There was premarital sex even when your Church had complete power. Jesus was a teacher, not a parent. As I say to my three year old every hour or so, just because you want it doesn't mean it's yours. So even if you make laws to make the world just like you imagine, that doesn't mean it's going to become your world.

Remember when Hitler tried that?**

*You asshole.
**Yeah, I went there.


Travis Erwin said...

So Santorum isn't getting your vote?

Mine either.

Cindy Lou Who said...

If posting a comment that says "I agree" gets me out of folding laundry tonight, then that's all the more reason to agree! Seriously, though, who the fuck do these people think the average American is? Have they met some of these people? Apparently not. Rant on, woman!

Anonymous said...

A great post, thanks for writing it! I re-Tweeted because more people need to read real comments like this rather than just what they hear on whatever news station they turn on. And as for public school teachers - retired or actively teaching - you're all more important to our country than any politician who think s/he knows all the answers.