
Happy Birthday, Hugmonkey!

My Hugmonkey,

     Today you are 3. Today you say "Ta Da!" when you poop on the potty and still want your pacifier when you go to sleep. Today I can still pretend you are my baby. But I know in my heart that you are really my little boy now. And what a little boy you are!

You are so passionate and verbal - such a combination of your brother and sister. You so want to do everything they do. You even listen to chapter books because they do! Though I think you like it best when one of them reads a picture book to you. But you have no qualms about standing up to them - or to anybody else, for that matter. You have such a great sense of self.

Right now you love all things car and train related, though you also enjoy coloring and playing with Legos. You also love to pretend to cook and sell ice cream. Your favorite show is Chuggington and your favorite books include Chicka Chicka ABC, Miss Nelson is Missing and The Little Engine That Could. You like to try to play soccer and tell knock-knock jokes, just like your siblings.

You enjoy preschool and going to the tot drop at the Y, or really anywhere there are new toys and bigger kids. You are learning to share and trying so hard not to be physically aggressive. You love to charm people  and your grin is irresistible.

                                                                           I love you so much and I'm so proud to be your mom,



CathiC said...

Happy Birthday, Hugmonkey! Happy Birthday Hugmonkey's Mommy!
Hope you both had a great day full of your favorite things!

Seeking Elevation said...

Aw! My baby turns three next week. I remember when my oldest turned three, I was struck thinking that three is a very big age--the baby years are officially over. Sad but good. :-) Happy Birthday to yours!

silken said...

love these birthday posts you do!