
Two Posts in One!

Hey, I'm TripleZmom. I used to be a blogger. Sometimes I would even write articles on the interwebs and help The Band. Now I just schlep my kids places. And make sure they are read to at least 15 minutes a day. And that they get at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. And that they have clean clothes and clean dishes. Oh, and I started working out for real.

And while I'm proud to be the fattest chick who does 30 minutes on the rowing machine, 60 minutes on the elliptical machine and 30 minutes on the treadmill on a regular basis without having a heart attack, I miss blogging.

I especially missed it last week, where in the course of 24 lovely hours:

1. A woman hit Hot Guy's new car, not injuring him or Lovebug or herself, but still. Dents. Insurance. Stress.
2. Hugmonkey bit one of his preschool teachers hard enough to draw blood and send her to the doctor. Guilt. Stress. Confusion.
3. We discovered that the downstairs heat does not work. At all. Also? Fixing it is nowhere near in the budget.

I could have written amusing blog posts about any of these things, once upon a time. Instead I wrote a huge rant about the biting incident, which didn't really explain anything. To summarize: I freaked out and didn't handle the situation well, partly because the school didn't really handle it well. Biting is still developmentally appropriate at his age. And Hugmonkey's being doing great at school and the gym tot drop ever since. Also? My pediatrician ROCKS. She and Hot Guy totally talked me down from the ledge.

The heating turned out to be just a wire problem and the woman's insurance was great. So everything is okay and still I feel like a wreck. I would really like to have a day, or maybe even two, that I don't have to leave my house. I would prefer to spend those days staring at the computer, catching up on everyone's blogs and maybe even (gasp!) writing.

No one mentioned to me that this "stay-at-home" mom gig becomes total bullshit once your kids start talking back. "Chauffeur mom" would be so much more apt. If chauffeuring included providing appropriate snacks, gear and keeping track of the hectic schedule. Or maybe it should be "longs-for-home" mom?

The post probably didn't make much more sense than the last one (having at least 2 topics and all), but I promise to do a real post tomorrow soon. With humor and everything.