
Hot Wheels Nitro Speeder Giveaway

It's very rare that I get a pitch email or sponsored post offer where I'm all like, "Squee! I want to review THAT!" But a few weeks ago I got an email from Mom Select that said "Hot Wheels" at the top. My house is filled with Hot Wheels cars, as is my purse. We have tracks and loops and stuff that makes the cars go flying. Even Ironflower plays with Hot Wheels, though she'd prefer it if you didn't mention that to the girls in her first grade class. My boys are the real fans though.

Hot Guy often bribes them with promises of watching Hot Wheels videos on YouTube*. And then there are all the cars we own. I think what's really cool is that they are just as excited about a new car as they are about getting considerably more expensive toys. Which may explain why we have so many cars.

Anyway, I was pretty much filling out the "please-let-me-do-this-review" survey before I even knew what kind of Hot Wheels product they were launching. When I realized that "Nitro Speeders" were mini-RC cars, I'm pretty sure I cheered. Or squee-d. Or something most 40 year old women don't do about remote control cars. Lovebug has been dying for an RC car but I wasn't sure if he could handle one without getting frustrated. So this would be just perfect.

Lovebug and Hugmonkey could barely contain themselves as we took the Nitro Speeder out of the box. Then there was the charging,
so even Ironflower was pretty hyper by the time we got the Nitro Speeder going. Man, they are fast. I mean like so fast that I had serious trouble controlling it, but in a totally fun way. Lovebug didn't get frustrated at all. They suggest the toy for kids 5 - 8 and while I think older kids could have fun with them too, the toy is not great for kids younger. Hugmonkey at not quite 3 did not have the finger strength or dexterity to make it go himself.

The car itself is very small, but quite sturdy considering all the abuse it's already been through. It's a lot like the typical indestructible Hot Wheels car, but slightly smaller. And, you know, remote controlled. There's a cute case that holds the car and charger, so it's a very portable toy. My only concern would be that because it's so small and so fast, I wouldn't bring it anywhere it could get lost too easily. Like the woods behind our house, which Lovebug suggested. Fortunately I nixed that idea before our beloved Nitro Speeder disappeared. So now I only have to buy 2. I think they'll have a lot more fun (and considerably less fighting) when they each have one.

So yeah, I highly recommend the Nitro Speeder and I'll be buying more soon. You, however, can win one. On this very blog. I know - 2 giveaways within a few weeks of each other. It's totally crazy. Check out the form below for ways to enter. The contest closes Sunday and the winner will get 1 awesome Hot Wheels Nitro Speeder.

*They have real life stunt drivers perform tricks. It's kind of awesome.


Robin | Farewell, Stranger said...

We LOVE Hot Wheels. My son is totally into them and he would think this is fab. But he'd have to get it away from his dad first. ;)

Kristin said...

I'm a little nervous about adding more Hot Wheels to the house, but this is a *different* Hot Wheels toy - so it's okay, right?

Heidi said...

Favourite toy for my son is cars, cars, cars

frugalmommieof2 said...

My son loves cars! They are his favorite toy.

~*Andrea*~ said...

my childs favorite toy is any hotwheels or matchbox toy! He LOVES cars! shadygrove79 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Favorite toy:

K'nex coaster.


silken said...

sounds cool. I still have a bucket of Hot Wheels from my son. All the kids that come by our house love to get out the bucket of cars. This could be a cool addition to that collection....