
Not the Good Kind of Pick Up Line

Let me just say that my town's day camp is awesome. It goes until 2pm. The counselors are sweet. It's based at the primary school. The talent show is the cutest thing ever. And it's pretty affordable, as far as camps go. They even take the kids from you at drop off and bring them to you at pick up, so you never have to get out of your car with a screaming toddler/show the other parents your pajamas/make small talk.


The brilliant system, so clearly outlined in our information sheets and weekly newsletters, was apparently too much for some parents to grasp. Although how can you misunderstand, "remain in your car if you are in the pick up line, park your car if you'd like to get out and walk to your child(ren)", I'm not quite sure.*

Yet every day, as I remained in the pick-up line, I would see parked cars at the front of the line. At first I thought, well, surely they'll return to their cars once dismissal starts. Surely they get that this is not the same as the school year, where arriving early and snagging a "good"/driveway blocking parking spot is a competitive sport (and where no one brings your children to you).

I am so naive sometimes.

These people did not care about the massive line of cars behind them. They also did not care to park in an appropriate spot, although their were plenty available. I'm pretty sure they got there super early just to be at the front of the pick up line and PARK. They didn't hurry back to their cars once dismissal started. They didn't even hurry back once they'd grabbed their offspring. They were having conversations with each other, you see. **

I watched the camp director wander around the parking lot, ostensibly directing traffic and supervising the counselors, but never going near the offenders. Though there was a reminder in bold in the next newsletter. I suppose he was afraid to offend them, lest he lose his summer job. Or possibly his winter one as well, I could see these types complaining loudly at the high school where he teaches.

How can they possibly be that self-absorbed/arrogant/entitled/shitty? Or am I getting worked up over nothing?

What are your pick up pet peeves?

*Even the parents who weren't born here are so completely bilingual that their emails are more grammatically correct than half of what Sarah Palin says.
**Probably betting on how long they could stall before someone started honking.


Anonymous said...

My biggest pet peeve is probably the lady who stops a block before the school to let her kid onto the sidewalk. Then she holds up two pretty busy lanes of traffic so she can do a u-turn. Seriously what is wrong with this lady? Why is it OK to make all of us wait for her u-turn so she doesn't have to wait in car line? Why isn't there some sort of "report car line abuse" hotline?

Abbie said...

There are people in the world who think they are so privileged that the rules do not apply to them.

Which makes life harder for the ones who do. These people are such as#$%^&%!!!