It all started when I was little, perhaps 5 or 6. The extended family would get together and I would be beyond excited to get to hang out with other kids all the time (I really hated being an only child. Until I got older and appreciated never having to share a bathroom). My cousin Greg was my favorite person to play with in the entire world, even if he never let me be the Barbie. I always had to be Ken.
Is there any doll on earth more gay than Ken?
As I got older, my love for musicals got a little obsessive. No 14 year old should know all the lyrics to La Cage Aux Folles. That show probably also began my obsession with drag queens. It was very disheartening to discover that if I wanted to dress in drag it would involve a fake beard and pants. I wanted false eyelashes and strapless gowns, dammit!
But not in real life. In real life I liked Guess Jeans and pastel sweaters. Need I say more?
Adulthood meant taking the term "fag hag" as a compliment (because it totally is, don't you think?) and spending my courtship with Hot Guy in gay bars. Seriously, how many straight people can say they started dating their partner while at a gay bar? Plus, I know at least 4 gay men who have had/do have crushes on my husband. Obviously I have the taste of a gay man.
Which leads me to Kathy Griffin. I just read Official Book Club Selection: A Memoir According to Kathy Griffin
*Ross Mathews is totally gay, by the way.
Anyway, I remember once trying to convince someone to watch one of her stand-up specials. "Isn't she that weirdo from Suddenly Susan?" the allegedly straight man I would soon not be dating asked. Apparently, yes, Kathy Griffin did a sitcom in the '90's and I don't think I ever watched an entire episode. But it was with Brooke Shields and Judd Nelson, it let her buy her first house in LA and honestly, haven't we all had some not so cool jobs? In fact, none of my jobs has ever been cool, but you're reading this, aren't you? So if you only know Kathy Griffin from Suddenly Susan or red carpet coverage, please, please give her a chance. I guarantee you will laugh your ass off. Unless you like Ann Coulter. In which case, you're not allowed to read this blog anymore.
Hey, I totally loved Suddenly Susan! Ok. I just had the hots for Judd Nelson, but it counts.
And I totally have a thing for drag queens. Which kind of got me into trouble with a guy who thought "I love drag queens" meant "I have the hots for men who wear womens' underwear". But still.
And, you have to admit, Ann Coulter totally has absolutely incredible hair! Seriously, I'd give my right knee for that hair (my right knee is the one that acts up the most- I'd be willing to trade my left knee if the hair wasn't blond).
Heck, I never even knew that "fag hag" *wasn't* an honorific.
+1 on Kathy Griffin!
Wordvixen - I tried to watch it because of Judd Nelson, but I couldn't. I had a similar experience with the drag queens/underwear thing! I have convinced myself that Ann Coulter's hair is a wig.
Lisa - Some people just don't understand. She has a special on next week, btw!
I love all things Kathy Griffin including this post and the show Suddenly Susan. :)
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