
Not A Completely Whiny Post

When I was a teacher, I used to have something called "sick days". Perhaps you've heard of them? I would make lots of extra worksheets, write out what I did all day and then spend a few days on the couch, secure in the knowledge that a substitute was filling in for me. When I came back, I would glance through the worksheets and the substitute's usual indecipherable note (no offense to substitute teachers in general, but most of the ones we got in KCK would not have qualified to sub in any other state, nor in most other districts) and then toss them all into the trash. And that would be the end of it - then everything would be back to normal.

It was kind of a shock for me that when I had my first illness as a stay-at-home mom, no one came in and took over.

So this week when, 2 days after finishing my round of antibiotics for the evil strep/sinus infection combo, I developed another fever and sore throat, I cried. Then I headed back to the doctor for superstrong antibiotics (with nasty side effects, but that's another post) and arranged for rides for the kids during the 2 days I would still be contagious. Then I managed to bathe, feed and clothe my children - without letting them kill each other - for several days while being massively ill.

And that's fine, I get that moms don't get substitutes.

What's not fine is that I can't just chuck everything into the garbage can right now. The laundry has piled up into epic proportions, not to mention the general mess of my house. I haven't written anything in days, I haven't bought the tights Ironflower needs for her recital next week, I haven't, I haven't, I haven't. I can't believe how far behind I am with everything. Oh, and my children now think they can get away with murder.

Seriously, something about seeing me on the couch watching The Real Housewives while retching into a garbage can has made my children think that they don't have to listen to me anymore. Or possibly it was a week of  killer parenting comments like, "I don't care what you do, just be quiet and don't hurt each other," that caused them to think I wasn't paying attention. In any case,  I have some serious re-parenting to do.

I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

Maybe there should be substitutes for moms. I wonder if that would work as a corporate model. . ."Momitutes: for when mom needs a substitute". What do you think?


Kirs said...

Wonder if there is a way to seriously market that?

Instead of Merry Maids it could be Merry Moms and you call them in to do your daily chores, including shuttling your children around.

Sure it would cost an arm and a leg but I think people would go for it.

Hope your kids get back into line soon and a laundry fairy comes in overnight.

Take Care.


davismusic said...

I think they call those Nannies. You could contact a local agency and find one for just a week.

thepsychobabble said...

I'd be all over that.
Seriously though, I didn't know you could hire a nanny for a week at a shot!

Triplezmom said...

Nina's Mama - Love the "Merry Moms" name. And thank you.

Davismusic - I've been a nanny and trust me, it's a lot less work than mommy. Also, the pay around here is very competitive. As in, way too competitive for us to pay!

Psyhobabble - I worked for a temp nanny agency once and it was totally thankless and not fun. But I'm pretty sure I could get over that and pay someone else to do it. If I had the money.

DIAPERS in the DESERT said...

Love this!! I just call my mom who lives down the dirt road from me :) This post made me realize that I am going to be SOOO bummed when we move in the next few months and although it will only be 45 min. away.... I will be losing my momitute :(