
Making Friends at the Y (and a plea for help)

So yeah, that was my ass at the Y this morning, because I pretty much live at the Y. Though I don't spend that time working out, which you could probably tell as you stared at my fat ass while it stuck out of the recycling bin.

There's nothing like diving into a recycling bin to find the snack pack your 2 year old threw in there, while wearing your ugliest pants, only to stand up and find 25 (approximately) skinny women carrying yoga mats staring at you uncomfortably.

Okay, it might have only been 2 women and an old man. But still.

I'm not sure whether it was my ass, my ugly pants or the fact that I looked like I was dumpster diving at the Y that horrified them. Hugmonkey's screams and the fact that Ironflower and Lovebug were playing tag probably didn't help. Even when I pulled out the snack pack triumphantly and put my ass back in its proper place they still looked a little shocked.

But the recycling bin had just been emptied, it's not like I was really dumpster diving. I suppose some people wouldn't reach into any kind of refuse bin to retrieve a $4 snack pack. Those people probably have a much bigger snack pack budget than I do.

On a totally unrelated note: If you can do anything to help the people of Joplin, MO recover from the devastating tornado, go here: CNN's How to Help Joplin Tornado Victims or to Facebook's Ten Million United for Joplin. Hot Guy went to college near there and has friends who are (thankfully) okay, but still going through so much. I can't imagine.

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