
I Won't Call You, But I Will Email You

Thank you to Yahoo! Mail for sponsoring this post about staying connected. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

I have a deep love for email. I can reply to email while my kids are staging a dinosaur battle or while Hugmonkey is having a meltdown.

Returning or responding to phone calls doesn't work quite as well during those times. Plus, I hate calling people. I don't know why. I'm perfectly happy when someone calls me (unless I'm trying to make dinner, settle an argument between Ironflower and Lovebug, handle Hugmonkey having a meltdown, or I'm in the middle of watching Grey's Anatomy or. . .okay, maybe "perfectly happy" isn't the right description).

The other cool thing about email is that it's so easy to add that info to my calendar. Or respond in social media or save it for a later date or, my personal favorite, respond with a simple "Yes!" or "No!". I can't do that with phone messages, unless the person calls at the exact moment I can sit down at my computer. Or I listen to the message 12 times until I've written down all the relevant info and then don't lose that piece of paper before I get to sit down at my computer. And even then, people expect actual conversation when you're on the phone. Except at my pizza place. There they just want to hear my order as quickly as possible. This may be how they became my favorite pizza place.

Possibly the best thing about email is that not only can I get up and pee in the middle of writing one (without offending anyone or trying to hold the phone and undo my jeans at the same time), I can read it over before I send it. Try doing that during an actual conversation. Now watch the conversation die a slow, painful death.

Also, you can save emails. All the emails I got when my kids were born? Saved. Can't really do that with conversations.

This video reminds me of how I felt when I quit teaching in the evil district and emailed everyone I knew:


Catootes said...

i hate the phone too. Thank the gods for email or i would be a recluse.

silken said...

I am an email lover too. I dread phone calls!

Triplezmom said...

Catootes - Me too. I mean, I'm not a recluse if I socialize on the internet all the time, right?

Silken - Absolutely!