
I Tried to Review Bridesmaids

I saw Bridesmaids yesterday.

(I pretty much only see comedies anymore, all other movies make me cry. I don't know what exactly happened when they removed Ironflower from my womb, the doctors had to give me lots of extra drugs because I started having a panic attack on the table {look, none of the articles I'd read about c-sections mentioned that I'd feel like I was tilted backwards after the epidural, or like I had an elephant sitting on my chest, okay?}, but I do know that they did more than just take out the baby and the placenta. I actually tear up at comedies, to be perfectly honest, but that's always because of the happy ending. I get the warm fuzzies and the tears came out. And if anything sad should happen? I will sob out loud. I wouldn't even watch Bambi with my kids. Before I had kids, the only movies that made me cry were E.T. and Schindler's List. You'd have to be Karl Rove not to cry at E.T. and Schindler's List.)

Anyone who thinks women aren't funny, or aren't as funny as men, is an idiot. Obviously.

But apparently those idiots hold a lot of purse strings in Hollywood. Even though Bridesmaids was written by 2 women and the cast is mostly women, all the Google links I found mentioned producer Judd Apatow and the male director. Which begs the question, why do those idiots have jobs that involve greenlighting movies, and all the smart people I know have jobs that involve being home with their kids, teaching, blogging, running game stores or otherwise NOT greenlighting movies?

Bridesmaids is very, very funny.

(Damn, I suck at reviews.)

If you have ever felt like the only single person at a social event, if you have ever put up with a lot of bullshit in a relationship just because the other person was hot, if you have ever felt inadequate or if you like men with Irish accents, Bridesmaids will be very, very, very enjoyable.

Other observations:

Kristen Wiig, Tina Fey and Diablo Cody should write a movie together.

Melissa McCarthy should be in every movie ever.

Gross bodily functions are much funnier when they involve expensive dresses.

If they have to do another Hangover movie, it should be incorporated into Bridesmaids 2.

The theater was packed with couples. . .and women of a certain age. Nothing cooler than seeing a bunch of 60 year old women laugh at penis jokes.

I will never make it as a movie critic.


LisserB said...

My sister and I slap our hand across our face everytime we see each other now. :)

I agree women are just as funny as men, but for some reason not when they are doing stand-up comedy.

A hangover/bridesmaids fusion would be gut busting!

Anonymous said...

Don't mean to be picky... but I'm pretty sure the accent was Canadian, not Irish.

But the movie was one of the funniest I've seen, too. the entire theater laughed throughout it. I died at the end scene with Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph singing along to Wilson Phillips - made me miss my college roomie who would entertain that kind of silliness with me all the time.

And Melissa McCarthy killed it! I LOVED her. You're right, she should be in every movie. She was amazing =)

Anonymous said...

Shit, I'm sorry. It was Irish. Apologies!

Leslie said...

I've been dying to see this movie! Maybe one day...when it's on cable.