Dear Douchebag in the black Mustang,
You clearly got the question about what the yellow line means wrong on your driving exam, so I thought I'd help you line. The yellow line means that each lane on the road is going in a different direction. So even though there were several cars in front of you, it's NOT OKAY to hop into the other lane, drive around the other cars and then turn in front of them. You see, Douchebag, (can I call you "Douchebag"? Or do you prefer "Asshole"?) I was turning into that other lane. The lane you were not supposed to be in, because you were going in the opposite direction. I almost hit you head on, because you darted out of your lane like you were trying to pass people on the highway.
Newsflash, Douchebag: The middle of our small downtown? At 5:30 pm on a Friday? NOT A HIGHWAY. Also? Kinda crowded. With people driving THEIR CHILDREN around. You're lucky that I was paying attention and moved around you. You're lucky that the cars you cut off (you know, the ones you cut around and then crossed in front of to make your right turn) were also paying attention. Otherwise you would have been head on or T-boned. Then your shiny black Mustang wouldn't look so pretty.
I have to apologize here, Douchebag. I was so flabbergasted - and concentrating on driving safely - that I did not get your license plate number. I didn't get to call the police about your driving, which is obviously what you wanted. I mean, that kind of stunt is OBVIOUSLY a cry for help. Either you wanted to get in trouble for something or you are so completely arrogant that you think you don't have to obey driving laws. Which is it's own kind of cry for help. But hopefully someone else was able to get your plate number. I'd like to imagine that even right now, you are getting the kind of help you need. From that grumpy police officer.
The Bitch in the Minivan