
At Least I Can Stop Buying Tap Shoes Now

This weekend was Ironflower's  dance recital. She performed a tap number to "New York, New York" and a jazz number to "Fun, Fun, Fun". Naturally she looked absolutely gorgeous and completed all the steps well.

But the expression on her face most of the time?

Kinda miserable.

And the timing of the well-executed steps?

Kinda off.

I have watched my girl dance around the house since she could stand up. I have seen her find the beat of the songs she loves as she jumps around. I have the pre-K graduation t-shirt that says she wants to be a ballerina when she grows up.  But I also have to face the facts: Ironflower doesn't want to dance anymore. She didn't enjoy performing in the recital. She doesn't enjoy going to class.

I thought I'd have a few more adorable pictures before she'd quit dancing. I thought she wouldn't be that grown up yet.

I am so proud of her, because even though she didn't enjoy any of it, she did her best and didn't complain. She's never fussed about going to class, either, just told me that she'd rather do other things next year. Even though I offered to send her to the school where some of her kindergarten buddies go. Even though I said that next year, she could choose ballet or jazz or tap. Even though it's kinda breaking my heart.

I mean, Lovebug even told her he was excited to see her dance. And how cute is this picture? 

There'd better be some cuteness opportunities during soccer and gymnastics next year, that's all I gotta say. 


Anonymous said...

She may come around to it again one day.

My DD is counting down the classes until she's done. The recital is the only thing that is keeping her going. She loves to be on the stage. She wants to keep doing dance, but not tap, so next year I think I'll enroll her in hip-hop or lyrical instead.

Your DD may decide she misses it and wants to go back, but if not, then she'll be a soccer or gymnastics star instead! :)

Melissa (lisserb) It wouldn't let me sign in...

Alexandra said...

Finally, able to sign in.

Blogger is a pain in the butt today.

YES! a wonderful picture, and I think she'll miss it.

Leslie said...

I can totally relate! Julia did ballet and tap as well as cheer and tumbling at the dance studio and each class performed in the recital. She absolutely loves the cheer and tumbling, but ballet and tap became less and less fun for her as the year went on. She did great in the recital and while she knew her routines and performed them well, it was obvious that she didn't love them like she loved the cheer and tumbling. So she's not doing ballet or tap next year. At least she'll still get to perform for cheer and tumbling!

That picture is adorable!

Triplezmom said...

Melissa - Ironflower used to love the stage too, but suddenly she's not into it. Ah well, I'll have to get over it. I vote for hip-hop -that looks like so much fun!

Empress - Thank you. I have no idea what's been up with Blogger lately, but it had better stop.

Leslie - Ironflower has agreed to take tumbling at the studio next year, so there's that. I think. Somehow it makes me feel better that Julia is quitting ballet and tap too. Thank you!