
Strep Throat Is Trying To Kill Me

I have proof.

1. It didn't just show up like normal strep throat. It came along with a sinus infection, which delayed my trip to the doctor for lifesaving antibiotics.

2. It also came along with my flipping Aunt Flo.

3. And during the week that my support team was super busy, recovering from an operation and/or sick.

4. The only thing I've been able to drink all week is LUKEWARM WATER. I just teared up looking at my lovely cans of Diet Pepsi in the fridge.

5. The only thing I've been able to eat is blueberry yogurt. And I don't even like blueberry yogurt.

6. The Tylenol with Codeine the doctor gave me cured my sinus headache and made watching House Hunters as compelling as watching Grey's Anatomy. It did nothing for my throat.

7. Not one fever hallucination included Taylor Kitsch.

8. I thought my fever had broken. It was 102.

9. I have lost ZERO pounds on the lukewarm water/blueberry yogurt diet.

10. My children do not understand gestures or facial expressions half as well as they should.

11. I'm pretty sure I alienated about 17 people today because I couldn't focus long enough to maintain/end conversations politely.

12. I thought this would be a clever blog post, but now it seems kind of lame. I'm publishing it anyway because I desperately need sympathy.


Julie said...


We have bronchitis. I'll swap with you.


Anonymous said...

it's a good excuse to buy some yummy popsicles and not share with the kids... hope you're better soon!

LisserB said...

I feel bad for you, especially the zero pounds part. You should totally be able to expect the bonus weight-loss that comes from not being able to eat. It's supposed to be the best part of being sick!

I hope you feel better soon.



Triplezmom said...

@Julie - That sucks! But honestly, I would trade if I could.

@Anon - Hmm, popsicles. Not a bad idea.

@Melissa - Thank you.

KittyCat said...

Im soooo sorry that has to be the worst. Sickness and aunt flo.

Hope youo get some relief soon.

WordVixen said...


Spearmint, thyme, and sage tea (all together) if you still need help for your throat. It only works for about 20 minutes, but unlike Cepacol, it's actually anti-bacterial and boosts your immune system.

silken said...

ugh, strep had really been going around our area too...hope you are feeling better

DIAPERS in the DESERT said...

LOVE this post!!! Too FUnny!!! #6 hahaha #9 boo! and well the only yogurt I like is the cake/pie flavored kind. Hope you are feeling better.

Triplezmom said...

@KittyCat, Aunt Flo just makes everything worse.

@Wordvixen, I should really embrace tea. As it is, mint gum seems to be helping.

@Silken, it seems like it's been really bad this year.

@Diapers, thank you!