
Thank You

Would you like to know why I'm not a famous blogger?

It is not because I didn't start doing it in 2004.

It is not because I have not survived great personal tragedy.

It is not because I'm too broke to go to networking conferences.

It is not because I don't have a dog.

It is not because I'm a horrible writer.

It's because I'm a slacker.

I mean, it's not like I'm sitting around eating bonbons when I'm not on the internet. Or ever. I actually don't like bonbons. But I don't mean that I'm a slacker in general (except about housekeeping, which totally doesn't count), it's just that I'm an internet slacker. I'm not on my smart phone at the park. If I'm up late, it's probably because I'm reading a terrific book or watching a Real Housewives marathon. Sometimes I forget to reply to comments. Or forget to blog. Or, and this is the worst crime yet, to say thank you.

A while back,  Canaan gave me an award. Canaan rocks. And I kept meaning to email her back to say thank you, to mention her in a post. Because I'm honored by the award and I appreciate the thought, even though I don't really do the award thing anymore. But instead I forgot until I was sorting my email.

And then I remembered that Diapers in the Desert  (have you read her yet?) had also given me an award. For which I also forgot to say thank you.

So, thank you so much, ladies. And thank you to everyone who reads and comments. I truly do appreciate it. And I'm sorry if I haven't read your blog lately, or left a comment or otherwise been a dedicated blogger. As the kids get older, life seems to get more hectic and I get more slacker-ish. Or more I-just-want-to-chill-out-alone - ish. Or possibly I feel like winter has in me in a choke-hold. Anyway, thank you.


Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Funny post!--I so can relate. I think you're quite the famous blogger, just with a smaller audience. Having a life other than blogging is important too. If you never visit my site or leave a comment I will forgive you. :) Janae

Catootes said...

That's it. You've totally mis-led me. Not only did I think you were a famous blogger but that you were perfect. So much for that illusion.

Oh Yeah, Thank You. For the comments and the reading.
Cause I'm a slacker too.

DIAPERS in the DESERT said...

Thank You!! You are FAMOUS to me and I LOVE your blog!!! Plus its really not about the Quantity of your followers but the Quality of those who love your blog and ALWAYS come back... Ummm or at least that is what I keep telling myself. :) I am HORRIBLE at replying back to comment via email. In fact when I finally became a KEWL kid and got a NEW smart internet capable phone I was accidently deleting ALL the comment emails from my phone. *sigh* Oh wells... and those Housewives are addicting. How anybody Blogs, tweets or cleans when there is a marathon on I will never know.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Funny post!--I so can relate. I think you're quite the famous blogger, just with a smaller audience. Having a life other than blogging is important too. If you never visit my site or leave a comment I will forgive you. :) Janae

Granolagrizzlymama said...

Funny post. I can totally relate. I started blogging in January.

I added your story about breastfeeding

triplezmom said...

Thanks for coming by!